Quatre études seront présentées à ALPS2023

  1. Atsushi Takano, Ayata, Nakashima, Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, et Takasumi Tanabe, "Graphene transfer on a microsphere cavity for ultra-compact mode- locked laser," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPSp2-40, Yokohama, Apr. locked laser", The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPSp2-40, Yokohama, 18-21 avril (2023).
  2. Deniz Lemcke, David Moreno, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, Atsushi Uchida, et Takasumi Tanabe, "Evaluation of chaos synchronization in two cascaded microrésonateurs en cascade", The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPSp2-32, Yokohama, 18-21 avril (2023).
  3. Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, et Takasumi Tanabe, "Numerical analysis of mode-locked regime in a coupled microresonator system," The 12 th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPS19-03, Yokohama, 18-21 avril (2023).
  4. Koya Tanikawa, Soma Kogure, Shun Fujii, Hajime Kumazaki, Satoki Kawanishi, et Takasumi Tanabe, "Generation of 300-GHz Terahertz Waves with Dissipative Kerr Soliton Microresonator Frequency Combs," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPS5-03, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 ( 2023).