FiO 2017 Ryo Suzuki
OSA FRONTIERS IN OPTICS (FIO) Participation Report
Ph.D.2Year: Ryo Suzuki
Participating Conferences
- OSA Frontiers in Optics (FiO)
Dates: September 17 - 21, 2017
Location: Washington Hilton, Washington, District of Columbia, USA
About OSA Frontiers in Optics
OSA Frontiers in Optics is an international conference held annually by the Optical Society of America (OSA), and this year it was held in Washington DC, USA. This year's conference was held in Washington, DC, U.S.A. Since the ratio of poster presentations was higher than oral presentations and the atmosphere was more relaxed, I felt that the conference was suitable for the first international conference presentation for master's students. On the other hand, the quality of research is generally lower than that of CLEO, which is also held by OSA, and our laboratory should aim to submit our research to CLEO.
3. Presentation by the presenter
A poster presentation was given on microcomb formation via Raman scattering in silica rod resonators. The number of presentations related to Kerr comb was small, and there were almost no questions from directly related researchers.
3. related announcements
FM3A.2: Connecting visible and telecommunications wavelengths with silicon nitride nanophotonics
Dr. Srinivasan's group at NIST presented that pumping a Si3N4 ring resonator with a 930 nm laser produced wavelength conversion to the 1550 and 660 nm bands via degenerate four-wave mixing. Since the wavelengths of the Signal and Idler beams are very different, the coupling waveguide is optimized to be 2.5 nm and 1.5 nm, respectively. The wavelengths of Signal and Idler light are very different, so the coupling waveguide is divided into two paths optimized for each.
FTu4E.4: Automotive LiDAR: Challenges and Opportunities
Dr. Maleki, who is famous for his research on whispering-gallery-mode resonators, introduced LiDAR research for automated driving technology. LiDAR, in particular, has various problems such as performance, cost, and feasibility. For example, in terms of performance, the range of distance, angular resolution, and information processing load and speed, and in terms of cost, the devices need to be kept at around $100 (the presenter used GPS as an example and hoped to lower the price, as it has done in the past). The LiDAR has a Direct detection LiDAR. The former simply detects an object by the time it takes for a laser beam to be emitted and for the reflected light to return. The latter uses FMCW (Frequency modulated continuous wave) to measure the beat signal and obtain the detection and velocity of an object with a high signal-to-noise ratio. Dr. Maleki has shown that this light source can be realized with a whispering-gallery-mode resonator, and that a narrow-line resonator can be used to measure the frequency modulated continuous wave. LiDAR is a hot topic that is beginning to attract worldwide research interest.
FTu5A.3: Multispectral optical frequency comb based on microresonator Faraday instability
The presentation was given by Prof. Wong's group, which has recently started (and reported) research related to Kerr comb. The present study showed that four-wave mixing can be generated in order-shifted modes (m±n+1 or m±n-1) by satisfying wavenumber conservation. The resonator is a Si3N4 ring. A Si3N4 ring resonator was used as the resonator, and conversion to 1300 nm and 2000 nm was confirmed for a 1580 nm pump.

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