CLEO 2018 Ryo Suzuki
CLEO Pacific Rim 2018 Participation Report
Ryo Suzuki, Doctoral Student, Tanabe Laboratory
We are writing to inform you of the following matter.
Participating Conferences
Conference: Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2018)
Dates: May 12 - May 18, 2018
Location: Convention Center, San Jose, USA
2. about CLEO 2018
CLEO is an international conference related to optics and photonics held annually, and is a Top Conference with a relatively low acceptance rate among the conferences to which our laboratory contributes. Since this was the third time for the presenter to attend the conference, he was familiar with the area and was able to participate in the conference in a relaxed manner. The session related to Microcomb, which is the subject of the presenter's research, attracted many attendees, and the topic of particular interest was the research on silicon nitride microring resonators. In recent years, it has become easy to share research results on the Internet, and many of the studies were already known through papers and arXiv. However, since I was able to ask questions about the details of their research at the poster session, I was able to obtain useful information for my own research by studying the topic beforehand.
3. Presentation by the presenter
I gave an oral presentation on Microcomb generation by induced Raman scattering using a silica rod resonator. The presentation itself was fine, but I felt that the content of the research was a little off from what other researchers were interested in. The paper on clustered comb written by Mr. Fujii in Optics Letters was cited several times, so we would like to present our research results like this one that other research groups will cite.
4. related announcements
SM2D.2. Widely-Tunable Optical Parametric Oscillation in MgF2 Microresonators This is a report on clustered comb generation using high-order dispersion in a magnesium fluoride micro optical resonator. Although sideband generation using silica glass microcavities has been reported in several cases, it has been difficult to generate high power at wavelengths above 2 µm due to material absorption. However, the use of magnesium fluoride, which has low absorption, has enabled tunable sideband generation over a wider wavelength range than before. In this study, resonators with diameters of 530, 800, and 1030 µm were used, and the 1030 µm resonator had a finesse of 8 × 104 and a curvature of 170 µm. For example, with the 800 µm resonator, the sideband frequency from the largest pump was 57.9 THz, and sidebands of 1205 nm and 2252 nm were generated from the 1550 nm pump. The experiment was limited by the tunable range of the wavelength tunable laser, 1530-1580 nm, so he said that a wider wavelength range/tunability is expected.
SM1D.6. Fully Integrated Chip Platform for Electrically Pumped Frequency Comb Generation Microcomb light sources have been studied because of their advantage of miniaturization, but many studies have used large wavelength-tunable lasers and amplifiers. In response to this problem, this study realized the generation of soliton microcombs by fully integrating these elements. The light source consists of a reflective semiconductor optical amplifier, a wavelength-selective filter with two ring resonators, and a SiN ring resonator for microcomb generation. The SiN ring resonator has a very high Q-value of 1.3×107 and is a commonly available battery-powered microcomb light source. This work also demonstrates the high fabrication precision of Prof. Lipson's group and is an excellent achievement in visualizing microcomb light source applications.
SW4M.5. Dual-Cavity Scanning Comb Spectroscopy Microcombs are expected to be applied as portable spectral light sources because of their compact size, but their resolution is very low because their mode spacing is too wide (10-1000 GHz). This study proposes a method to improve the resolution by combining a SiN ring resonator with a loop resonator containing EDFA and tuning the resonant frequency of the resonator with a heater. Resolution is an issue in microcomb-based spectroscopy, and solutions to this problem will continue to be sought. For example, other presentations reported the generation of soliton microcombs by setting the FSR of silica disk resonators below 10 GHz.

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