SCOPE research results will be presented at the Strategic Information and Communications R&D Seminar hosted by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications.

T. Tanabe, "Research and Development on Application of Microcomb Light Source to High-Speed Optical Transmission System," Strategic Information and Communications Research and Development Seminar, Narita [...].

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We will run a booth at KEIO Techno-Mall2022 (Dec. 2).

We will have a booth at Keio Technomall. [...].

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David has returned to Spain!

David, who studied abroad in Tanabe Lab, has returned to Spain. Although he stayed in our lab for only six months, he produced excellent research results [...].

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Mr. Tanaka has completed the fall semester. Congratulations!

Mr. Tanaka has completed the fall semester. Congratulations! From October 1, he will be active in the society. We wish him the best of luck in his future endeavors.

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