Fronties in Optics 2012 Takumi Kato
Takumi Kato, 1st year master student, Tanabe Laboratory
I am pleased to report that I attended the APS March Meeting 2014 held in Denver, Colorado, USA from March 3-7.
Summary ]
The conference I attended was called Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science, held by the Optical Society of America in Rochester, New York, USA. Many participants from the University of Rochester, which is famous for optics, attended the conference because of its locality. For me, it was my first international conference and my first time in the U.S., so everything from the airport to the hotel and the streets of the U.S. was very interesting. The conference venue was a minute's walk from the hotel, so it was easy to get to, and many researchers attending the conference were staying at the hotel, so it was like a kind of community.
After attending the conference, I naturally had the impression that the conference was an international event. People from the same country speak with each other in their native language, and people from other countries speak with each other in English. I was able to recognize again what is a matter of course. My presentation was entitled "Polygonal silica toroidal microcavity for easy and stable coupling with waveguides". It was mainly the result of my research in 2011, including manufacturing method, FDTD analysis, and optical experiments. I was not asked any questions in the hall, but I was asked about the fabrication method (reaction of KOH and silicon) outside the hall. I was very nervous in the hall, but outside the hall, I was able to calm down and exchange questions in a friendly manner, which was very helpful.

Research Trend Survey
[FTh1G.1] A. Weiner Purdue Univ..
The team investigates optical combs with micro optical resonators using waveform shaping techniques. Waveform shaping is Weiner's specialty, so the research is very fast.
The optical comb is divided into Type-1 and Type-2 according to its characteristics, and Type-2, which is noisier, has been the focus of research.
As a result, Type-2 was found to have phase noise due to a breakdown in the coherent nature of each mode. The optical comb generated from a micro optical resonator is generated from a single pump light via four-wave mixing, and it is usually believed that the phases are all aligned. However, in the case of Type-2, in which the modes spread independently from the N-fold FSR, the FSRs of the modes are not exactly the same due to the influence of dispersion, which is the cause of the phase noise.
This result is also shown in F. Ferdous et al. "Probing coherence in microcavity frequency combs via optical pulse shaping," Optics Express 20, 21033 (2012). 21033 (2012).
FTh1G.2] I. Agha NIST, Maryland Univ.
This research uses the nonlinearity of silicon nitride to perform frequency conversion. The waveguide used is a silicon nitride waveguide.The objective is to generate light in the 980 nm band from light in the 1550 nm band.This is because there are optimal wavelengths such as 1550 nm for optical fiber communications, 980 nm for quantum dot systems, 780 nm for quantum memory systems, and 600 nm for photodetectors, and wavelength conversion is required to connect them.
Four Wave Mixing-Bragg Scattering (FWM-BS) has been studied using nonlinear fibers. FWM-BS has been studied using nonlinear fibers.Aggregatable Si nitrideThe novelty lies in the fact that it is performed in
Chip-scale and low noise seem to be the advantages. However, compared to nonlinear fiber research, theLow efficiencyThe drawback may be that the efficiency of the nonlinear fiber is 28.61 TP3T. The efficiency in this study is about 51 TP3T, compared to 28.61 TP3T for nonlinear fibers.
This result was also shown in I. Agha et al. "Low-noise chip-based frequency conversion by four-wave-mixing Bragg scattering in SiNx waveguides." Optics Letters 37, 2997 (2012).
[LW2J.1] J. Teufel NIST
A number of presentations on optomechanics have been made. This team approaches the field from what is called electro-mechanics. However, the phenomena produced are almost the same as those of opto-mechanics, and the direct approach to mechanical vibrations by microwaves is advantageous in elucidating the phenomena. The structure used is an aluminum structure fabricated on a Sapphire substrate, and the other parts are composed of superconducting circuits. Electromagnetic resonance for microwaves and mechanical resonance for microwaves are used.
This result is also shown in J. Teufel et al. "Circuit cavity electromechanics in a strong-coupling regime " Nature 471, 204(2011).
FW4B.6] K. Shome Rochester Univ.
This research utilizes silicon-based nanoholes to fabricate slotted waveguides. The application of this work is to promote and detect single-particle luminescence, although the method of fabrication and the analysis of the structure remain at the stage of this presentation. Many studies aiming at biosensing have been published, and it is sure to be a field of great interest.
The structure consists of a 30 nm Ag film grown on both sides of a 30 nm silicon film to create numerous holes with a diameter of 40 nm. Al2O3 is deposited in this state at about 15 nm. The size of the nanoholes has a significant effect on the effectiveness of the slotted waveguide, but theThe advantage of this fabrication method over conventional methods is that the size of the nanoholes can be controlled according to the amount of Al2O3.
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