OSA(FiO/LS) 2016 Yusuke Okabe


2016 Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science Report

Yusuke Okabe

About the Conference

The 2016 Frontiers in Optics / Laser Science was held in Rochester, NY, USA, from October 17-21. Located on the shore of Lake Ontario, one of the Great Lakes of the U.S., the city was impressive for its quiet townscape with many trees. The autumn leaves were beautiful in the latter half of October, and the view from the sky was spectacular. It is usually as cold as winter in Tokyo at this time of the year, but this year the weather was warmer than ever, with temperatures reaching 20 degrees or higher every day except the last day, and some days were warm enough to wear short sleeves.
This year's OSA was the 100th anniversary of OSA, and there seemed to be a lot of enthusiasm for the event as a whole. The plenary lectures by Lipson and Boyd and the invited lecture by Michio Kaku, a million-selling American physicist, were especially interesting. I also saw many other prominent researchers such as Weiner and Kippenberg in the invited lectures. In this report, I will review my presentation and introduce some of the most impressive research papers that I attended.

2. about your presentation

[JW2A.150] Numerical modeling of the generation of a Kerr comb in a coupled cavity system using coupled mode equations
A poster presentation was given on the morning of the 20th. Several people were in front of the poster right from the start and asked questions mainly about the model. I think I did a good job of explaining the model, but I feel that I could have been more concise, and I did not explain it well enough for the audience to go into it in depth. In particular, I felt that the coupling term was of interest. After that, I received some questions from the theoretical people, and a person from NTT Laboratories came and talked with me.
No one was present. This was a little disappointing, as I had hoped to discuss the behavior of dark solitons. In the end, there were a fair number of visitors, so I felt that the coupled resonators attracted a fair amount of attention. The general atmosphere of the poster session was that of listening to interesting potter's presentations rather than lively discussions.

3. Related announcements

[FTh4G.3] Photonic-chip based widely tunable microwave source using a Brillouinopto-electronic oscillator
A report on the realization of an optical-electrical oscillator using Brillouin scattering (SBS) in photonic crystals. SBS usually requires a longer waveguide length to obtain sufficient gain, but the high refractive index, small mode area, and low-loss propagation of photonic crystals enable gain 500 times higher than that of glass SMFs. This method produces less noise than commercial products, especially at low frequencies. The RF frequency resolution was 3 MHz, but since this method outputs the difference frequency of two lasers, in principle, it is possible to adjust the RF frequency more finely depending on the lasers (not yet verified).

[FTh4G.4] Asymmetric Light-Light Interaction by Non-Hermitian Photonics
Isolator using non-Hamiltonian-Si photonic crystals is reported. It is roughly ladder-shaped, but the hole part is made of Ge/Cr. The propagation is controlled by turning the reference light on and off, and I was very surprised to see asymmetric propagation in spite of the structural simplicity.

[FTh4G.7] On-chip Turing pattern formation for coherent high-power THz radiation
This report focuses on the fact that the Turing pattern state is more robust to perturbations than the soliton state due to its higher power conversion efficiency in four-wave mixing. Coherence is good, fluctuations are within ±1 MHz, and there is no RF noise. I was reminded of the importance of flexibility in thinking by focusing on the Turing pattern instead of focusing on solitons.

[FTu3I.1] The Inviscid Burgers' Equation in Nonlinear Fiber Optics
The Inviscid Burgers' Equation, commonly used in fluid mechanics, is applied to nonlinear fiber optics. The equation is simpler than NLSE, but the results are almost the same as NLSE. Since the equations are used for wave propagation, they are not suitable for soliton formation, but could they be used when a new waveguide is fabricated?