Four studies will be presented at ALPS2023
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Takasumi TANABE

- Atsushi Takano, Ayata, Nakashima, Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Graphene transfer on a microsphere cavity for ultra-compact mode- locked laser," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPSp2-40, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 (2023).
- Deniz Lemcke, David Moreno, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, Atsushi Uchida, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Evaluation of chaos synchronization in two cascaded microresonators," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPSp2-32, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 (2023).
- Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Numerical analysis of mode-locked regime in a coupled microresonator system," The 12 th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPS19-03, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 (2023).
- Koya Tanikawa, Soma Kogure, Shun Fujii, Hajime Kumazaki, Satoki Kawanishi, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Generation of 300-GHz Terahertz Waves with Dissipative Kerr Soliton Microresonator Frequency Combs," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPS5-03, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 ( 2023).
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