Journal Club
Fiscal Year 2023
- December 25 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Deniz Lemcke
- nature photonics (2023)
- Anton Lukashchuk, Johann Riemensberger, Aleksandr Tusnin, Junqiu Liu & Tobias J. Kippenberg
Presentation Details:
The transition to chaos is ubiquitous in nonlinear systems ranging from fluid dynamics and superconducting circuits to biological organisms. systems driven out of equilibrium such as lasers and supercontinuum generation exhibit chaotic states of light with fluctuations in both amplitude and phase and can give rise to Levy statistics, turbulence and rogue waves. Spatiotemporal chaos also occurs in continuous-wave-driven photonic-chip- Such modulation instability states have generally been Such modulation instability states have generally been considered impractical for applications, in contrast to their coherent-light-state counterparts, which include soliton or dark-pulse states. Here we demonstrate that incoherent and chaotic states of light in an optical microresonator can be harnessed to implement unambiguous and interference-immune massively parallel coherent laser ranging. Here we demonstrate that incoherent and chaotic states of light in an optical microresonator can be harnessed to implement unambiguous and interference- immune massively parallel coherent laser ranging by using the intrinsic random amplitude and phase modulation of the chaotic comb lines. We utilize 40 distinct lines of a microresonator frequency comb operated in the modulation instability regime. Each line carries >1 GHz noise bandwidth, which greatly Each line carries >1 GHz noise bandwidth, which greatly surpasses the cavity linewidth, and enables to retrieve the distance of objects with centimetre-scale resolution. Our approach utilizes one of the most widely accessible microcomb states, and offers-in contrast to dissipative Kerr soliton states-high conversion Our approach utilizes one of the most widely accessible microcomb states, and offers-in contrast to dissipative Kerr soliton states-high conversion efficiency, as well as flat optical spectra, and alleviates the need for complex laser initiation routines. Viewed more broadly, similar optical systems capable of chaotic dynamics could be applied to random optical systems. Viewed more broadly, similar optical systems capable of chaotic dynamics could be applied to random-modulation optical ranging as well as spread-spectrum communication, optical cryptography and random number generation.
- December 18 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Zhang Jianwei
- Nature Photonics, 2023: 1-7.
- Rosiek, C. A., Arregui, G., Vladimirova, A., Albrechtsen, M., Vosoughi Lahijani, B., Christiansen, R. E., & Stobbe, S.
Presentation Details:
Recent developments in topological photonics have fostered the vision of backscattering-protected waveguides made from topological interface modes, but surprisingly measurements of their propagation losses This work reports on measurements of losses in the slow-light regime of valley-hall topological waveguides and find no indications of topological protection against backscattering on ubiquitous They find that the propagation losses are due to Anderson localization caused by disorders in photonic crystal, even with Some of the lowest levels of disorder realized in silicon photonics so far,. which raises fundamental questions about the real-world value of topological They hope that this work will motivate Further research to consider robustness against a real-world disorder.
- December 11 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Koya Tanigawa
- Nature Photonics 17, 992-999 (2023)
- Oskar B. Helgason, Marcello Girardi, Zhichao Ye, Fuchuan Lei, Jochen Schroder & Victor Torres-Company
Presentation Details:
Dissipative Kerr solitons (DKS) can be generated when the laser is red detuned, and the power of the comb line is higher the larger the detuning. However, the greater the detuning of the laser, the weaker the coupling to the resonator, and thus the CW pump-to-comb conversion efficiency is reduced. Microcomb states other than DKS, such as Turing rolls, soliton crystals, and dark pulses, have higher conversion efficiency than DKS, but the number of comb lines and bandwidth are limited. Therefore, in this study, we introduced a shift of pump resonance by a coupled resonator system and demonstrated highly efficient DKS in the anomalous dispersion regime. We found that CW lasers are capable of reliable DKS initiation processes in blue detuning, and demonstrated smooth DKS spectra with a maximum conversion efficiency of 54%. This is the highest conversion efficiency ever achieved in a single soliton with CW pumping.
- December 4 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Atsushi Takano
- Optical Materials Express 12, 4506-4517 (2022)
- F. P. R. de Freitas, D. Steinberg, H. G. Rosa, and E. A. Thoroh de Souza
Presentation Details:
The effect of saturable absorption of graphene layers on the passive mode-locking of erbium-doped fiber lasers was experimentally investigated: mechanically exfoliated graphene saturable absorber samples ranging from one to six layers were fabricated and precisely characterized by Raman spectroscopy two-dimensional band profiles. By incorporating this sample into a fiber laser as a saturable absorber (SA), a mode-locked performance with a pulse width of 670-780 fs and a bandwidth of 3.8-4.6 nm was obtained. The activation mechanism of mode-locking in mono- and bilayer graphene was found to transition from non-self-initiated to self-initiated mode-locking. This is a strong indication of the effect of the speed of saturable absorption response, which depends on the number of graphene layers.
- December 1 (Friday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Ayaka Shikata
- Optics Express 31, 22, (2023)
- Wenwen Cui, Xin Liu, Heng Zhou, Wenting Wang, Kun Qiu, and Yong Geng
Presentation Details:
It is very important to study the time jitter of soliton microcombs. Here we present a non
fabricated silica optical microcavities with a constantly uniform extinction ratio and lack of mode interaction, and
The WGM resonator is a perfect WGM resonator. Based on such a perfect WGM resonator, the repetition frequency of the soliton com
The output provides ultra-low phase noise (-83 dBc/Hz@100 Hz; -112 dBc/Hz@1 kHz; -133
dBc/Hz@10 kHz) of K-band microwaves can be generated. In addition, Raman scattering
and dispersive wave emissions are greatly limited, resulting in a wide presence of ultra-low time jitter solitons.
We show that it has a range. This study provides a pathway to low-noise photonic microwave generation
It shows the way to the quantum regime of soliton microcomputers.
- November 20 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Tomoya Yamakawa
- Optics Express, Inc. 30, 2022
- Muhammad Ghawas, Valerian Freysz, Lukas Muller, Sebastien Cassagnere, and Eric Freysz
Presentation Details:
In this paper, we have designed an all-normal-dispersion ytterbium-rod fiber laser oscillator that delivers picosecond pulses that are continuously tunable in both center wavelength and pulse width. The system delivers self-mode-locked pulses at an average power of up to 25 W. It produces picosecond laser pulses at a repetition rate of 78 MHz, and its center wavelength and pulse width are tunable between 1010 nm and 1060 nm.
- November 13 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Junnosuke Kokubun
- Optics Letters,. 47,513-516(2022).
- Fuchuan Lei, Zhichao Ye, and Victor Torres-Company
Presentation Details:
Different polarization than that used for soliton generation in a silicon nitride (SiN) resonator.
mode (cooling-mode) is used, the thermo-optical effect is
The soliton can be accessed by overcoming the fluctuations caused by the This paper describes this technique.
The phase noise of the soliton generated by the method is measured, and the effect of the cooling-mode
It was shown that the noise caused by heat is reduced.
- November 6 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Ryo Otake
- Nature photonics, 2023, Open Access
- Zongda Li, Yiqing Xu, Sophie Shamailov, Xiaoxiao Wen, Wenlong Wang, Xiaoming Wei, Zhongmin Yang, Stéphane Coen, Stuart G. Murdoch & Miro Erkintalo
Presentation Details:
Over the past decade, passive, nonlinear optical resonators have emerged as a new method for generating ultrashort optical pulses and the corresponding broadband frequency comb. This study explores a new method for generating ultrashort pulses using passive resonators. By taking advantage of silica's inherent nonlinear Raman amplification, low-noise dissipative solitons with durations well below 100 fs have been successfully and decisively generated via resonator phase-locked pulses generated by standard commercial optical fibers. The physics of the new dissipative Raman soliton state is explored to identify the scaling laws governing the pulse characteristics, allowing the output repetition rate to be freely scaled without affecting the soliton duration. The technique achieves the shortest pulses ever generated in commercially available optical fiber (active or passive) and has the potential to be transferred to chip-scale formats using existing dispersion-engineered silica microcavities.
- October 30 (Thursday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Deniz Lemcke
- Nature Communications (2023)
- Bitao Shen, Haowen Shu, Weiqiang Xie, Ruixuan Chen, Zhi Liu, Zhangfeng Ge, Xuguang Zhang, Yimeng Wang, Yunhao Zhang, Buwen Cheng, Shaohua Yu, Lin Chang & Xingjun Wang
Presentation Details:
Optical chaos is vital for various applications such as private communication, encryption, anti-interference sensing, and reinforcement learning. Chaotic microcombs have emerged as promising sources for generating massive optical chaos. In this study, we present massively parallel In this study, we present massively parallel chaos based on chaotic microcombs and high-nonlinearity AlGaAsOI platforms. We further show the application of our approach by demonstrating a 15-channel integrated random bit We further show the application of our approach by demonstrating a 15-channel integrated random bit generator with a 20 Gbps channel rate using silicon photonic chips. Our work opens new possibilities for chaos-based information processing Our work opens new possibilities for chaos-based information processing using integrated photonics, and potentially can revolutionize the current architecture of communication, sensing and computations.
- October 23 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Zhang Jianwei
- Quantum Science and Technology, 2022. 7(2): 025023
- Zhou, Xiaoyan, Peter Lodahl, and Leonardo Midolo
Presentation Details:
This work proposes a novel dual-mode photonic-crystal waveguide that realizes direct in-plane resonant excitation of the embedded QDs. The device relies on a two-mode waveguide design, which allows exploiting one mode for excitation of the QD and the other mode for collecting the emitted single By proper engineering of the photonic band-structure, single-photon collection efficiency of β > 0.95 together with a The device has a compact footprint of ∼50 μm2 and would The device has a compact footprint of ∼50 μm2 and would enable stable and scalable excitation of multiple emitters for multi-photon quantum applications.
- October 16 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Koya Tanigawa
- Nature Communications 14, 3467 (2023)
- Yang He, Raymond Lopez-Rios, Usman A. Javid, Jingwei Ling, Mingxiao Li, Shixin Xue, Kerry Vahala and Qiang Lin
Presentation Details:
Soliton microcombs have shown great promise as a photonics-derived low-noise microwave generation technology. However, the repetition rate of a microcomb is basically determined by the size of the resonator, limiting the ability to tune the broadband and fast frequency by tuning the heat and pump frequency. In this study, we demonstrate a microwave soliton microcomb that can be tuned at high repetition rates by using a new device configuration. By incorporating electro-optic modulators along the ring waveguide, we succeeded in modulating a 75 MHz bandwidth at 5.0x10^14 Hz/s, which is several orders of magnitude faster than the modulation speed of conventional techniques. The device is expected to be applied to many applications including frequency measurement, frequency synthesizer, LiDAR, sensing, and communications.
- October 12 (Thursday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Atsushi Takano
- Photonics Research 11, A1-A9 (2023)
- Yuchen Wang, Yiwei Li, Yicheng Li, Hao Zhang, Zihan Liu, Yanhong Guo, Zeping Wang, Jun He, Xuhan Guo, Yiping Wang, and Baicheng Yao
Presentation Details:
Micro-optical resonators are promising platforms for highly efficient light-matter interactions. In recent years, the combination of nanoscale micro-optical resonators and 2D materials has further enriched optoelectronics in micro-optical resonator geometries, spurring a wide range of advances in lasers, nonlinear converters, modulators, and sensors. Here we report a compact dual laser resonance concept in graphene-microoptical resonator fibers. Driven by a single 980-nm pump, orthogonally polarized laser lines are generated with a pair of mode-breaking degeneracies; the two laser lines produce a heterodyne beat note at 118.96 MHz, with frequency noise down to 200 Hz^2/Hz at a 1-MHz offset, and in vacuum The line width was 930 Hz. This compact instrument allows on-line and label-free detection of ammonia gas with high resolution and a detection limit at the single pmol/L level.
- October 4 (Wed) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Ryo Otake
- Optics Express 31, 23830 (2023)
- Senyu Wang, et. al.
Presentation Details:
In this paper we propose and numerically demonstrate a broadband, wavelength tunable Raman soliton source based on an As2Se3 waveguide. The input waveguide exhibits an anomalous dispersion in the near-infrared band, thereby enabling a 1.96 μm light source for Raman soliton self-frequency shift (SSFS) excitation. The output waveguide exhibits large anomalous dispersion and good mode confinement in the mid-IR band, thus supporting further SSFS processes. 2.29-4.57 μm wavelength tunable Raman light sources are theoretically realized on this on-chip platform. This study presents a simple and easy-to-implement strategy for extending the tuning range of the light source. The proposed tunable wavelength light source has great potential in integrated spectroscopy, gas detection, and LiDAR applications.
- October 2 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Ayaka Shikata
- Electronics, Electronics 12(15), 3366 (2023)
- Amalina Athira Ibrahim, Bo Li, Shenghong Ye,Takashi Shiramizu, Hanwei Chen, Yuya Mikami and Kazutoshi Kato
Presentation Details:
The high-frequency carrier, terahertz (THz) waves, have an ultra-wide bandwidth and are therefore suitable for high data ray
It is essential to achieve wireless transmission of the To enable multi-level modulation, phase
Stabilization is extremely important, and we have previously developed a phase stabilization technique using Mach-Zehnder interferometry.
generated. However, in this method, when generating phase-modulated THz waves, the phase modulator
had a problem of affecting the phase stabilization system. Therefore, we have developed a THz wave generation shi
A new phase stabilization approach was devised using light waves in the opposite direction of the stem. The result
As a result, error-free transmission was demonstrated at modulation frequencies above 3 Gbit/s.
- September 25 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Tomoya Yamakawa
- Optics Express Vol. 29, 2021
- Lu Zhang, Junxiang Zhang, Quan Sheng, Yanyan Li, Chaodu Shi, Wei Shi, Jianquan Yao
Presentation Details:
An efficient 1.7-μm Tm-doped fiber laser with a resonator incorporated into a 1560-nm erbium/ytterbium resonant fiber laser cavity was demonstrated, and a rate equation model was developed to optimize fiber length and output coupling to achieve the desired output power. Experiments showed a maximum output power of 1.13 W at 1720 nm under a diode pump power of 10 W at 976 nm, which correlated well with the modeling. The slope efficiency from the multimode 976nm diode pump to 1720nm output was 13.5%, and the slope efficiency at the start-up 1560nm pump power reached 62.5%. A high signal-to-noise ratio of over 65 dB was achieved by using a short Tm-doped fiber to minimize signal reabsorption. Further power scaling prospects based on the developed model were also discussed.
- September 20 (Wed) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Zhang Jianwei
- Phys. Rev. Applied 17, 024029
- Olivia Y. Long, Cheng Guo, Weiliang Jin, and Shanhui Fan
Presentation Details:
Flat optics has demonstrated great advances in miniaturizing conventional bulky optical elements due to recent developments in metasurface design. Specific applications of such designs include spatial differentiation and the compression of free-space. In this work, we introduce a polarization-independent In this work, we introduce a polarization-independent metasurface structure by designing guided resonances with degenerate band curvatures in a photonic crystal slab. Our device can perform both free- space compression and spatial differentiation when operated at different frequencies at normal incidence. This work demonstrates the promise of dispersion engineering in metasurface design to create ultrathin devices with polarization-independent functionality.
- Tuesday, September 5, 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Junnosuke Kokubun
- APL Photon. 7, 066103 (2022)
- Haizhong Weng, et. al.
Presentation Details:
We propose a new method to generate single solitons in SiN resonators. The auxiliary laser method pumps two resonances and compensates thermally with one of them, but this method is inefficient because the two resonances are separated by an FSR, which requires a pump and a separate laser. In the present study, by appropriately designing a two-mode resonator and using two resonances with very close resonance frequencies, a soliton was successfully generated with only one pump laser.
- August 31 (Thursday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Deniz.
- Photonics Research (2023)
- Longsheng Wang, Junli Wang, Yushan Wu, Yuehui Sun, Songsui Li, Lianshan Yan, Yuncai Wang, and Anbang Wang
Presentation Details:
Optical chaos communication and key distribution have been extensively demonstrated with high-speed advantage but only within the metropolitan-area network range of which the transmission distance is restricted to around 300 km. For secure-transmission requirement of the backbone fiber link, the critical threshold is to realize long-reach chaos synchronization. Here, we propose and demonstrate a scheme of long-reach chaos synchronization Here, we propose and demonstrate a scheme of long-reach chaos synchronization using fiber relay transmission with hybrid amplification of an erbium-doped fiber amplifier (EDFA) and a distributed fiber Raman amplifier (DFRA). Experiments and simulations show that the hybrid amplification extends the chaos-fidelity transmission distance thanks to that the low-noise DFRA Optimizations of the hybrid-relay conditions are studied, including Optimizations of the hybrid-relay conditions are studied, including launching power, gain ratio of DFRA to EDFA, single-span fiber length, and number of fiber span. coefficient beyond 0.90 is experimentally achieved, which underlies the backbone network-oriented optical chaos communication and key distribution .
- July 31 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Koya Tanigawa
- Photonics Research 11, 682-694 (2023)
- Zihan Tao, Yuansheng Tao, Ming Jin, Jun Qin, Ruixuan Chen, Bitao Shen, Yichen Wu, Haowen Shu, Shaohua Yu, and Xingjun Wang
Presentation Details:
Integrated microwave photonic filters (IMPFs) have broadband and re
- July 25 (Tuesday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Atsushi Takano
- Optics and Lasers in Engineering, Vol. 151 (2022)
- Huibo Fan, Cong Lu, Qiming Yin, Hongwei Fan
Presentation Details:
Polarization selective elements can control the polarization of an optical system.
- July 21 (Friday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Ayaka Shikata
- PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH,. 5, 013172, 2023
- Hao Liu, Wenting Wang, Jinghui Yang, Mingbin Yu, Dim-Lee Kwong, and Chee Wei Wong
Presentation Details:
with pseudo-crossing differences, and with certainty.2Observation of soliton formation
Dissipative Kerr solitons in micro resonators (DKS(see Figure 2), the
- July 10 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Tomoya Yamakawa
- Optics Express 31 24110-24126, 2023
- Yang Xiao, Yuxuan He, Yun Chen, Xiaochuan Xu, Xusheng Xiao, and Haitao Guo
Presentation Details:
Multipoint side pump 2.825µm high density el.
- July 5 (Wed) 16:30 ~ 17:05
- Online
- Junnosuke Kokubun
- ACS Photonics 10, 986-992 (2023)
- Johannes E. Fröch, Shane Colburn, Alan Zhan, Zheyi Han, Zhuoran Fang, Abhi Saxena, Luocheng Huang, Karl F. Böhringer, and Arka Majumdar
Presentation Details:
To deploy spectrometers on mobile platforms, small spectrometers
- June 27 (Tuesday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Ryo Otake
- Nature photonics,. 13, 679-685 (2022)
- Yaowen Hu , Mengjie Yu, Brandon Buscaino , Neil Sinclair, Di Zhu , Rebecca Cheng, Amirhassan Shams-Ansari, Linbo Shao, Mian Zhang, Joseph M. Kahn and Marko Lončar
Presentation Details:
Advances in integrated photonics have led to the development of highly stable, compact, broadband comb generators for a variety of applications, including communications, distance measurement, spectroscopy, frequency measurement, optical computation, and quantum information. Broadband optical frequency combs are generated in an electro-optic cavity where light passes through a phase modulator multiple times and circulates within an optical cavity. However, current broadband electro-optic frequency combs are limited by their low conversion efficiency. In this study, we demonstrate an integrated electro-optic frequency comb with a conversion efficiency of 301 TP3T and an optical span of 132 nm using a thin-film lithium niobate-based coupling resonator platform. Furthermore, by leveraging the high efficiency, the device can act as an on-chip femtosecond pulse source (pulse width of 336 fs), which is important for applications such as nonlinear optics, sensing, and computation.
- June 19 (Monday) 12:20 - 12:55
- Online
- Souma Kogure
- Nature Photonics 17, 306-314 (2023)
- Ruixuan Chen, Haowen Shu, Bitao Shen, Lin Chang, Weiqiang Xie, Wenchao Liao, Zihan Tao, John E. Bowers and Xingjun Wang
Presentation Details:
Expected to be used in automated drivingLight Detection and Ranging (LiDAR)The conventional method for
- June 12 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Ludo.
- Nature Photonics (2023)
- Yubo Wang, Jorge A. Holguin-Lerma, Mattia Vezzoli, Yu Tuo & Hong X. Tang
Presentation Details:
- June 6 (Tuesday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Deniz.
- Optics Letters (2023)
- Yiqun Zhang, Mingfeng Xu, Mingbo Pu, Qiang Chen, Mengjie Zhou, Shuangcheng Chen, Kun Qiu, Ning Jiang, and Xiangang Luo
Presentation Details:
Abstract: For the first time, to the best of our knowledge, we experimentally demonstrate a high-speed free-space secure optical communication system The effect of atmospheric turbulence on optical chaos synchronization is experimentally investigated via a hot air convection atmospheric turbulence simulator. It is shown that, even under moderately strong turbulent conditions, high-quality chaos Moreover, a secure encryption transmission experiment using a high bias Moreover, a secure encryption transmission experiment using a high bias current induced chaotic carrier for 8-Gbit/s on-off-keying data over a ∼10-m free-space optical link is successfully demonstrated, with a bit-error rate below the FEC threshold of 3 rate below the FEC threshold of 3.8 × 10-3. This work favorably shows the feasibility of optical chaotic encryption for the free-space optical transmission system.
- May 29 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Jianwei Zhang
- physica status solidi (RRL)-Rapid Research Letters, 2023: 2300002.
- Kwang-Kwon Om, Kwang-Hyon Kim
Presentation Details:
are highly on demand in practice, but the majority of previously proposed
photonic systems have been limited to fixed performances, once fabricated.
Although several approaches have been proposed for obtaining the tunability
in topological photonic systems, they are limited to first-order topological
states and require rather complicated structures. Herein, second-order
topological properties of rhombic photonic crystals (PCs) are revealed, for
For the first time, enabling to realize tunable photonic devices.
purpose, the conventional square lattice PCs composed of four rigid
Dielectric rods are reshaped to rhomboid ones with preserved inversion
symmetry, which exhibit well-quantized bulk polarizations.
eigenfrequencies of topological edge and corner states depend on the angle
between the neighboring sides of unit cells, the second-order topological
systems exhibit dynamic tunability, being useful for diverse applications
Such as optical switching and flexible beam control.
results for reconfigurable routing limited to special angles, this
lattice-reshaping mechanism has the ability to realize dynamically tunable
routing, extending the realm of applications of topological photonics.
its simplicity and feasibility, this mechanical lattice-reshaping approach
paves the way toward higher-order topological photonic devices with
dynamically controlled functions.
- May 22 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Koya Tanigawa
- Photonics Research 10, 1859-1867 (2022)
- Runlin Miao, Chenxi Zhang, Xin Zheng, Xiang'ai Cheng, Ke Yin, and Tian Jiang
Presentation Details:
- Tuesday, May 16, 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Atsushi Takano
- Optics Express Vol. 30, Issue 6, pp. 8690-8699 (2022)
- Gwangho Choi, Adley Gin, and Judith Su
Presentation Details:
Highly sensitive detection of molecules without the use of labels or trapping agents
- May 8 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Ayaka Shikata
- Nature Communications,. 13, 3161 (2022).
- Fuchuan Lei, Zhichao Ye, Óskar B. Helgason, Attila Fülöp, Marcello Girardi
Presentation Details:
Soliton microcomputers have been widely studied for their versatility
- May 1 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Tomoya Yamakawa
- Journal of Luminescence vol.250, 2022
- Mengyu Zong, Yunfei Wang, Zhen Zhang, Jingjing Liu, Lina Zhao, Jie Liu, Liangbi Su
Presentation Details:
The laser is compact and has a structure near 3 µm.
- April 24 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Junnosuke Kokubun
- Nature Comunications Vol. 14, Issue 50 (2023)
- Takuya Inoue, Ryohei Morita, Kazuki Nigo, Masahiro Yoshida, aMenaka De Zoysa, Kenji Ishizaki, Susumu Noda
Presentation Details:
We propose nanostructures (photonic crystals) whose optical properties change spontaneously only by the application of static voltage to accelerate photonics technology. We have applied the proposed photonic crystals to PCSELs and demonstrated that pulsed oscillation occurs without any external switching operation. This achievement is significant as a new method of PCSEL pulse generation and will lead to a deeper understanding of the phenomena caused by carrier photon dynamics.
- April 17 (Monday) 12:20 ~ 12:55
- Online
- Liao Ohtake
- Light: optik,. 271, 2023
- Haoyuan L, et al,.
Presentation Details:
We have developed a Nd-doped cascade Raman laser for the development of two-photon microscopy for deep biological imaging. In order to suppress the mode competition between 1060nm and 900nm, we developed a mode-locked cascade Raman laser that can be easily fabricated by using bending loss.
- Optical Materials Express 12, 4506-4517 (2022)
- F. P. R. de Freitas, D. Steinberg, H. G. Rosa, and E. A. Thoroh de Souza

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Anyone can register.
This is an open lecture series held in Tanabe Photonic Structures Laboratory. Students who are graduate students or above will survey papers related to optics and related technologies such as photonics, materials, bioscience, etc., and explain them in an easy-to-understand manner.
Attendance is free, regardless of whether you are inside or outside of the university. The seminar will be held periodically, so if you are interested in any of the topics, please feel free to attend. No notice is required to attend, but we will prepare materials if you contact us in advance.
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List of events by year