Fronties in Optics 2012 Hiroshi Kudo
Hiroshi Kudo, 1st year master student, Tanabe Laboratory
I am pleased to report that I attended the APS March Meeting 2014 held in Denver, Colorado, USA from March 3-7.

We attended OSA Frontier in Optics 2012 held from October 14 to 18, 2012, and gave one oral presentation. This report briefly describes the contents of OSA 2012. There were not many tourist attractions in Rochester, but Niagara Falls is about two hours away by bus, and I could enjoy the atmosphere of both the U.S. and Canada. It was a stimulating week, with many cultural differences between Japan and Rochester, not to mention differences in language and behavior. My labmate Kato also gave an oral presentation at the conference, and since we both worked together during the conference, I was able to participate in the conference more calmly than I had expected. Rochester is located at a higher latitude, so the temperature is cooler than in Japan.

General impression]
OSA 2012 was an international conference sponsored by the Optical Society of America, and invited speakers included Nobel laureate John L. Hall, Andrew M. Weiner, an authority on arbitrary waveform shaping of optical comb, and Kerry J. Vahala, an authority on toroidal resonators, a core technology in my lab. who is an authority on arbitrary waveform shaping of combs, and Kerry J. Vahala, an authority on toroidal resonators, which is a core technology in my laboratory. Most of the participants were from Europe and the United States, and there were few Oriental people. There were few Japanese students in particular.
About my presentation]
I gave a presentation on "Crystalline whispering gallery mode cavities directly fabricated by crystal growth" (presentation number: FTh1G.4). The audience was about 30-40 people, including Michal Lipson, a well-known figure in my research field. The presentation itself went smoothly and there were no problems. During the Q&A session, I was asked about how to deal with the influence of crystal planes on the resonator shape. Unlike the presentation, I was a little at a loss for words, but I was able to answer the question. I could not give a clear answer on the spot, as the solution was still only at the stage of prediction in my mind. However, the reason I was at a loss for words was not because the solution was not yet clear, but because of the amount of practice I had. Next time I have the opportunity to give a presentation, I would like to be fully prepared, including for the Q&A session. It is important for a basic researcher like myself to make the existence and value of my research known to as many people as possible. I have also gained confidence in my ability to give oral presentations in English through this presentation. I feel that it is important for me and for this technology to continue to make presentations at international conferences like this one in the future.
[Noted announcement].
Phonon Lasers in Cavity Optomechanics
Kerry Vahala
There were many presentations in the field of optomechanics at the conference, including this one by Dr. Vahala. In this presentation, there were two compound whispering gallery modes, symmetric and antisymmetric, in the vibrational mode of optomechanics, and the existence of these levels generates phonon lasers. Here, a slightly hollowed toroidal resonator was introduced, which gives two levels (center frequencies) to the resonator, unlike conventional ones. The latter half of the lecture was about trapping magnesium ions using optpmechanics, but I still do not understand it well enough. I have not studied much about optomechanics, but I am thinking of looking at the papers seriously, since it was covered extensively at the conference.
Microresonator-Based Optical Frequency Combs: Time-Domain Studies
Andrew M. Weiner
The presentation showed the development of optical comb generation using micro optical resonators by shaping the waveform. In the presentation, the generation of optical combs was divided into two types, and the bandwidth limits of each type were introduced. I do not understand enough about the actual mechanism by which the types of optical comb generation are divided.
This technology is very relevant to Tanabe Laboratory, and his presentation shows that the world is demanding the development of this technology and that competition is fierce. I felt that our laboratory must focus on this technology.
Nano-optomechanical circuits on silicon substrates
Xiankai Sun
In this presentation, research results were reported on on-chip resonators with integrated grating couplers and waveguides. One was a disk-like WGM resonator with a hollow inside (he also mentioned a little reflow at the end), and the other was a circular 2D photonic crystal (introduced here as a "sun-flower resonator"). ). This resonator has a feature of high integration, and the content of this talk was related to optomechanics. Specifically, the resonator vibration can be clearly divided into first-order and second-order modes. The diameter of each resonator is a few µm, and the Qₒ value is on the order of 106. There are several papers from the same laboratory in 2011 and 2012 in the index paper, indicating that this technology has grown rapidly in recent years. I would not have known that this kind of research has started in the world without attending this conference, and I felt that it was worthwhile to come to the conference.
It was a great experience for me to attend OSA 2012. It was a very good experience for me to attend OSA 2012. Seeing lectures by world famous researchers in person and learning about global research trends greatly increased my motivation for my research. I heard that in some laboratories, there are many students who are unable to present their research results due to budget restrictions. I feel that my laboratory is fortunate to have many opportunities to gain such experience. It is important for me and my laboratory to link this experience directly to our research achievements.
In addition, photonic crystals are mainly treated in domestic OSA than WGM resonators which are treated in Tanabe Lab, but WGM seemed to be more common in this OSA. Therefore, it was a good opportunity for me to understand the direction of my research. And the sightseeing was fun. I would like to go to two more international conferences during my master's degree.
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