
学会発表 2025

  1. Heng Wang, Ryo Otake, Riku Imamura, Liu Yang, Hayato Matsuyama Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Investigating the Mechanism Behind the Formation of a Stable sech2-shaped Raman Comb in a Silica Microtoroid Driven by Continuous-Wave with Specific Dispersion," CLEO/Europe-EQEC,  EF-7.3, Munich, Jun 23-27 (2025).
  2. Junnosuke Kokubu, Ko Sato, Ayaka Yomoda, Satoki Kawanishi, Ryo Sugano, Mantaro Imamura, Hitomi Uemura, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Bypassing the von Neumann Bottleneck via Direct 300-GHz RF Conversion of Optical Computation Results ," CLEO/Europe-EQEC, CI-6.6, Munich, Jun 23-27 (2025).
  3. Tatsuki Murakami1, Koshiro Wada2, Soma Kogure2, Ryomei Takabayashi2, Liu Yang1,2,3, Riku Shibata1, Hajime Kumazaki1,2, Shinichi Watanabe1, Atsushi Ishizawa4, Takasumi Tanabe2, and Shun Fuji, "Coherent dual-comb and low-noise photonic microwave generation with mechanically actuated soliton microcombs," CLEO/Europe-EQEC, CK-10.2 Munich, Jun 23-27 (2025).
  4. Ko Sato, Junnosuke Kokubu, Ayaka Yomoda, Satoki Kawanishi, Ryo Sugano, Mantaro Imamura, Hitomi Uemura, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Seamless Conversion of a Photonic Convolution Output to a 300-GHz Wireless Transmitter," CLEO2025, 4239683, Long Beach, May 4-9 (2025).
  5. Mantaro Imamura, Koya Tanikawa, Ayaka Yomoda, Ryo Sugano, Satoki Kawanishi, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Implementation of a Photonic Filter Using a Soliton Comb for 300 GHz Band Communication," CLEO2025, 4237401, Long Beach, May 4-9 (2025).
  6. 田邉孝純,「集積マイクロコムによる光信号処理とTHz無線伝送の統合」2025年電子情報通信学会総合大会,BK-2-02,東京都市大学世田谷キャンパス,2025年3月24日~28日.
  7. 今村万太郎,四方田彩花,橋本洋輔,木村祥太,菅野凌,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「ソリトンコムを利用した300 GHz帯QPSK伝送」2025年電子情報通信学会総合大会,C-14-20,東京都市大学世田谷キャンパス,2025年3月24日~28日.
  8. 佐藤滉,國分淳之介,四方田彩花,菅野凌,今村万太郎,植村仁美,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「300 GHz電波による光畳み込み結果の無線伝送」第72回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,15p-K508-13,東京理科大学野田キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2025年3月14日~17日.
  9. 丹藤優聖,鐵本智大,古澤健太郎,田邉孝純,関根徳彦,「低パワー駆動の電気光学変調コムへのマイクロコム同期の検討」第72回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,15p-K308-7,東京理科大学野田キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2025年3月14日~17日.
  10. 植村仁美四方田彩花今村万太郎菅野凌藤井瞬田邉孝純「ソリトンコムを用いた300GHz信号のアンテナ伝送」第72回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,16p-K504-15,東京理科大学野田キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2025年3月14日~17日.
  11. 菅野凌,今村万太郎四方田彩花,木暮蒼真國分淳之介藤井瞬田邉孝純「SiNマイクロコムを用いたSiリング変調器特性評価」第72回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,16p-K305-8,東京理科大学野田キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2025年3月14日~17日.
  12. 高林諒明,楊柳,児玉耀,柿沼康弘,田邉孝純,藤井瞬,「精密機械加工を用いたMgF2微小光共振器の分散制御とソリトンマイクロコム生成」,レーザー学会学術講演会第45回年次大会,F06-22a-IV-03,広島国際会議場,2025年1月21日~23日.
  13. Yang Liu, Ryomei Takabayashi, Yuta Mototani, Hajime Kumazaki, Takasumi Tanabe, and Shun Fujii, "High-conversion efficiency Kerr soliton microcombs using anti-mode crossings in crystalline microresonators," レーザー学会学術講演会第45回年次大会,F06-22a-IV-02,広島国際会議場,2025年1月21日~23日.
  1. Yuka Satomi, Ryo Sugano, Junnosuke Kokubu, Mantaro Imamura, Ayaka Yomoda, Shun Fujii, Satoki Kawanishi, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Low-latency optical communication with microresonator frequency comb as a light source," 14th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2024), D4, Tokyo (Hybrid), Nov. 26-27 (2024).
  2. Ryo Sugano, Mantaro Imamura, Ayaka Yomoda, Soma Kogure, Junnosuke Kokubu, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Low-latency optical communication with microresonator frequency comb as a light source," 14th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2024), P12, Tokyo (Hybrid), Nov. 26-27 (2024).
  3. Takasumi Tanabe, Riku Imamura, and Shun Fujii "Mode-locking in coupled microresonators using exceptional point modulation," International Workshop on Microcavities and their applications (WOMA24), pp. 25-26, Duendin, Nov. 25-29 (2024). (invited)
  4. Takasumi Tanabe "Dispersion Engineering of High-Q Microresonators," Optica Incubator on Frequency Combs for Chemical, Biological, and Medical Applications, Washington DC, Oct. 9-11 (2024). (invited)
  5. Ryo Sugano, Ryo Otake, Ryo Nishihata, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Edge coupler design for SiN/Si butt coupling integration," 29th Microoptics Conference (MOC2024), 0111, Kaohsing, Sep. 29-Oct. 2 (2024).
  6. Takasumi Tanabe, "Nonlinear Photonics in Dispersion-Controlled High-Q Microresonators," 2024 Optical Microcavity Workshop, Wuhan, Aug. 17-20 (2024). (tutorial)
  7. Ryomei Takabayashi, Hikaru Kodama, Koya Tanikawa, Yasuhiro Kakinuma, Takasumi Tanabe, and Shun Fuji, "Dispersion Engineering of Crystalline Microresonators for Optical Frequency Comb Generation beyond C-band," The 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), Mo1E-4, Incheon, Aug. 4-9 (2024).
  8. Mantaro Imamura, Ayaka Yomoda, Koya Tanikawa, Soma Kogure, Ryo Sugano, Satoki
    Kawanishi, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Transmission in the 300 GHz Band using a Soliton Comb," The 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), Mo2I-3, Incheon, Aug. 4-9 (2024).
  9. Takasumi Tanabe, Riku Imamura, and Shun Fujii, "Mode-locking induced by exceptional point proximity in coupled microresonators," The 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), We1B-1, Incheon, Aug. 4-9 (2024). (invited)
  10. Shun Fujii, Koshiro Wada, Soma Kogure, Hajime Kumazaki, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Mechanical Actuation of Kerr Soliton Microcombs in Ultrahigh-Q Crystalline Microresonators," The 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), We1B-3, Incheon, Aug. 4-9 (2024).
  11. Hayato Matsuyama, Atsushi Takano, Riku Imamura, Heng Wang, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Towards Deterministic Perfect Soliton Crystals in Microtoroids with Saturable Absorption," The 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), P1-064, Incheon, Aug. 4-9 (2024).
  12. Yusei Tanto, Ayaka Yomoda, Junnosuke Kokubu, Ryo Sugano, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Demonstration of Nighttime Thermoelectric Power Generation with Radiative Cooling
    Utilizing Low-cost Commercial Materials," The 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), P1-036, Incheon, Aug. 4-9 (2024).
  13. Yuta Mototani, Shun Fujii, Shota Kimura, Yosuke Hashimoto, Tomoya Yamakawa, Riku Imamura, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Soliton Comb Generation using a Small Prism Coupling Module," The 16th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR 2024), P3-073, Incheon, Aug. 4-9 (2024).
  14. Ryo Otake, Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Pulse formation in the Stokes region through dispersion tailoring in silica microresonators," Nonlinear Photonics (NP2024), JTu1A.40, Quebec, Jul. 28-Aug. 1 (2024).
  15. Takasumi Tanabe, Junnosuke Kokubu, Ryo Sugano, and Jinwei Zhang, "A Compact Silicon Photonic Crystal Spectrometer with Unprecedented Resolution," 14th Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META2024), 4A4-4, Toyama, Jul. 16-19 (2024). (invited)
  16. Takasumi Tanabe, Koya Tanikawa, Manto Imamura, Ayaka Yomoda, Satoki Kawanishi, and Shun Fujii, "Photonic filter in the 300 GHz band with SiN microresonator frequency comb," The 10th International Conference on Antennas and Electromagnetic Systems (AES2024), 239, Rome, June 25-28 (2024). (invited)
  17. Ayaka Yomoda, Mantaro Imamura, Koya Tanikawa, Soma Kogure, Ryo Sugano, Shun Fujii, Satoki Kawanishi, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Small-error transmission and filter operation at 300 GHz using dissipative Kerr soliton frequency comb," CLEO:2024, SM1P.2, North Carolina, May 5-10 (2024).
  18. Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Vicinity of exceptinal point-induced mode-locking in coupled microresonators," CLEO:2024, STu3Q.4, North Carolina, May 5-10 (2024).
  19. Deniz Lemcke, David Moreno, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, Atsushi Uchida, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Study on Chaos Synchronization of Cascaded Microresonator Optical Frequency Combs," CLEO:2024, JW2A.24, North Carolina, May 5-10 (2024).
  20. Mantaro Imamura, Ayaka Yomoda, Koya Tanikawa, Soma Kogure, Ryo Sugano, Satoki Kawanishi1, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Transmission experiment of a , 300 GHz wave generated by using a soliton comb," The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2024), ALPS14-06, Yokohama, Apr. 22-26 (2024).
  21. Ryomei Takabayashi, Hikaru Kodama, Yasuhiro Kakinuma, Takasumi Tanabe, and Shun Fujii, "Dispersion engineering of high-Q crystalline microresonators for microcomb generation beyond a telecom C-band," The 13th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2024), ALPSp2-41, Yokohama, Apr. 22-26 (2024).
  22. 元谷祐太,藤井瞬,木村祥太,橋本洋輔,山川智也,今村陸,田邉孝純「小型プリズム結合モジュールを用いたソリトンコム発生」第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,22p-13N-2,東京都立大学世田谷キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2024年3月22日~25日.
  23. 今村万太郎,四方田彩花,谷川幸彌,木暮蒼真,菅野凌,川西悟基,藤井瞬,田邉 孝純,「ソリトンコムを用いた300GHz信号の伝送」第71回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,23a-P03-11,東京都立大学世田谷キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2024年3月22日~25日.
  24. 松山隼,高野淳史,今村陸,藤井瞬,田邉孝純「シリカトロイド共振器へのグラフェン転写に関する研究」第23回レーザー学会東京支部研究会,Ps020,東海大学品川キャンパス,2024年3月12日.
  25. 丹藤優聖,四方田彩花,國分淳之介,菅野凌,田邉孝純「安価な市販材料による放射冷却を用いた夜間熱電発電」第23回レーザー学会東京支部研究会,Ps017,東海大学品川キャンパス,2024年3月12日.
  26. 川西悟基,今村万太郎,四方田彩花,谷川幸彌,木暮蒼真,菅野凌,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「マイクロコムによる300 GHz発生と伝送実験」2024年電子情報通信学会総合大会,C-14-07,広島大学東広島キャンパス,2024年3月4日~8日.
  27. 田邉孝純,「マイクロコム光源技術の基礎と展望」レーザー学会学術講演会第44回年次大会,S05-17p-IX-07,日本科学未来館・東京国際交流館プラザ平成,2024年1月16日~19日.(招待講演)
  28. 高林諒明,児玉耀,柿沼康弘,田邉孝純,藤井瞬,「マイクロコムの波長拡大へ向けた精密加工による共振器分散制御」レーザー学会学術講演会第44回年次大会,F02-18p-IV-04,日本科学未来館・東京国際交流館プラザ平成,2024年1月16日~19日.
  29. Jianwei Zhang, Ryo Sugano, Junnosuke Kokubu, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Performance Analysis of a Reconstructive Spectrometer Using Random Photonic Crystal Waveguides by Changing Geometry Parameters," レーザー学会学術講演会第44回年次大会,F02-18p-IV-05,日本科学未来館・東京国際交流館プラザ平成,2024年1月16日~19日.
  30. 菅野凌,大竹遼,西端諒,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「バットカプリングによるSiN/Si異種材料集積」レーザー学会学術講演会第44回年次大会,F02-18p-IV-06,日本科学未来館・東京国際交流館プラザ平成,2024年1月16日~19日.
  31. 今村陸,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「例外点近傍における結合共振器系受動モード同期レーザーの理論実証」レーザー学会学術講演会第44回年次大会,F02-18p-IV-07,日本科学未来館・東京国際交流館プラザ平成,2024年1月16日~19日.(奨励賞受賞講演)
  32. 今村万太郎,四方田彩花,谷川幸彌,木暮蒼真,川西悟基,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「SiN共振器によるソリトンコムの生成と300 GHzテラヘルツ通信への応用」レーザー学会学術講演会第44回年次大会,P01-18p-P-35,日本科学未来館・東京国際交流館プラザ平成,2024年1月16日~19日.
  1. Ryo Sugano, Junnosuke Kokubu, Ryo Otake, Ryo Nishihata, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "SiN/Si hybrid integration via inversed taper edge coupler," 13th International Symposium on Photonics and electronics Convergence (ISPEC2023), P-31, Tokyo, Nov. 1-2 (2023).
  2. Soma Kogure, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe "Sudden broadening of the linewidth in a modulation instability comb," 13th International Symposium on Photonics and electronics Convergence (ISPEC2023), P-32, Tokyo, Nov. 1-2 (2023).
  3. Ayaka Yomoda, Ryo Sugano, Wakana Kubo, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Thermoelectric conversion using nanostructure," The 12th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2023), PDW-01, Hakodate, Sep. 4-7 (2023).
  4. Tomoya Yamakawa, Yuta Mototani, Shota Kimura, Yosuke Hashimoto, Tomohiro Araki, Shun Fujii, Takasumi Tanabe, "Study on the temperature characteristics of prismatic coupling in microcavity," The 12th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2023), PDW-02, Hakodate, Sep. 4-7 (2023).
  5. Ryomei Takabayashi, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Dispersion engineering of crystalline whispering-gallery microresonators for mid-infrared frequency comb generation," The 12th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2023), PDW-03, Hakodate, Sep. 4-7 (2023).
  6. Ryo Sugano, Ryo Otake, Ryo Nishihata, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "SiN/Si Heterogeneous Integration with Butt-coupling," The 12th Asia-Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2023), PDW-05, Hakodate, Sep. 4-7 (2023).
  7. Ryo Sugano, Ryo Otake, and Takasumi Tanabe, "SiN/Si Hybrid Integration with Edge Couplers by Butt-coupling," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2023), 1A4a-13:30, Prague, Jul. 3-6 (2023).
  8. Shun Fujii, Koshiro Wada, Hajime Kumazaki, Soma Kogure, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Extending Spectral Tunability of Soliton Microcombs in Ultrahigh-Q Microresonators," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2023), 1A4-11:10, Prague, Jul. 3-6 (2023).
  9. Koya Tanikawa, Shun Fujii, Soma Kogure, Hajime Kumazaki, Satoki Kawanishi, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Generation of 300-GHz Terahertz Waves with Microresonator Frequency Combs,"  Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2023), 1A4-09:45, Prague, Jul. 3-6 (2023).
  10. Deniz Lemcke, David Moreno, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, Atsushi Uchida, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Assessment of the Feasibility of Employing Chaos Synchronization in Two Cascaded Microresonators for Secure Data Transmission," 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe - European Quantum Electronics Virtual Conferences (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023), CD-P.17, Munich, Jun. 26-30 (2023).
  11. Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Mode-locking System of Coupled Microcavities with Gain and Nonlinear Loss," 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe - European Quantum Electronics Virtual Conferences (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023), CK-P.26, Munich, Jun. 26-30 (2023).
  12. Koya Tanikawa,Shun Fujii, Soma Kogure, Shuya Tanaka, Shun Tasaka, Koshiro Wada, Hajime Kumazaki, Satoki Kawanishi, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Field demonstration of multi-wavelength optical transmission with microresonator frequency combs," 2023 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics/Europe - European Quantum Electronics Virtual Conferences (CLEO/Europe-EQEC 2023), CI-8.3, Munich, Jun. 26-30 (2023).
  13. Takasumi Tanabe, "Low threshold mode-locking close at an exceptional point in coupled microcavities," International Conference on Antennas and Electromagnetic Systems (AES2023), 2A7(14:40), Torremolinos, Jun. 5-8 (2023). (invited)
  14. Koya Tanikawa, Shun Fujii, Shuya Tanaka, Shun Tasaka, Koshiro Wada, Soma Kogure, Hajime Kumazaki, Satoki Kawanishi, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Field Demonstration of Low-Latency Massively Parallel Communication with Microresonator Frequency Comb," CLEO:2023, STu4G.2, San Jose, May 7-12 (2023).
  15. Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Passive Mode-Locking Without a Saturable Absorber Using a Coupled Microresonator," CLEO:2023, JW2A.95, San Jose, May 7-12 (2023).
  16. Junnosuke Kokubu, Ryo Sugano, Minoru Ohtsuka, Nobuyuki Yokoyama, Makoto Okano, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Small Spectrometer With Extremely High-Resolution (0.07 nm) Realized With an Improved Reconstruction Algorithm" CLEO:2023, STh4G.7, San Jose, May 7-12 (2023).
  17. Atsushi Takano, Ayata, Nakashima, Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Graphene transfer on a microsphere cavity for ultra-compact mode-locked laser," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPSp2-40, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 (2023).
  18. Deniz Lemcke, David Moreno, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, Atsushi Uchida, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Evaluation of chaos synchronization in two cascaded microresonators," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPSp2-32, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 (2023).
  19. Riku Imamura, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Numerical analysis of mode-locked regime in a coupled microresonator system," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPS19-03, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 (2023).
  20. Koya Tanikawa, Soma Kogure, Shun Fujii, Hajime Kumazaki, Satoki Kawanishi, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Generation of 300-GHz Terahertz Waves with Dissipative Kerr Soliton Microresonator Frequency Combs," The 12th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2023), ALPS5-03, Yokohama, Apr. 18-21 (2023).
  21. Takasumi Tanabe, "Microresonator frequency combs for ultra-low latency optical communication for Beyond 5G and 6G applications," pLED International symposium 2023: Exploring Invisible Light Technology, S-3, Tokushima, May 4-5 (2023). (invited)
  22. David Moreno, Shun Fujii, Ayata Nakashima, Atsushi Uchida, Pablo Sanchis, and Takasumi Tanabe, "Synchronization of microresonator frequency combs in chaotic regime," SPIE Photonics West 2023, 12407-19, San Fransisco, Jan. 28-Feb. 2 (2023). [Proc. SPIE, Vol. 12407, 1240708 (2023)]
  23. 今村万太郎,四方田彩花,谷川幸彌,木暮蒼真,菅野凌,川西悟基,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「SiN共振器によるソリトンコムの生成と300GHz信号の伝送」テラヘルツ科学の最先端X,P-11,東北大学電気通信研究所ナノ・スピン総合研究棟,2023年12月20日~21日.
  24. 田邉孝純,「集積型光周波数コムの応用と展望 -光周波数コムの情報通信利用に向けて-」Photonic Device Workshop 2023,セッション6-2,機械振興会館,2023年12月8日.(招待講演)
  25. Ayaka Yomoda, Mantaro Imamura, Koya Tanikawa, Soma Kogure, Ryo Sugano, Shun Fujii, Satoki Kawanishi, and Takasumi Tanabe, 「Generation of low-noise terahertz waves using soliton combs and their application to highspeed wireless communications」Photonic Device Workshop 2023,P-36,機械振興会館,2023年12月8日.(招待講演)
  26. 田邉孝純,藤井瞬,「マイクロ光コム概論」Optics & Photonics Japan (OPJ2023),29pGS2,北海道大学,2023年11月27日~29日.(招待講演)
  27. 高林諒明,田邉孝純,藤井瞬,「WGM微小共振器による中赤外マイクロコム発生のための分散制御」第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,21p-P14-3,熊本城ホール,2023年9月19日~23日.(ポスター賞受賞)
  28. 藤井瞬,和田幸四郎,木暮蒼真,田邉孝純,「超高Q値微小光共振器を用いた機械駆動型ソリトンマイクロコム」第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,22p-B204-3,熊本城ホール,2023年9月19日~23日.
  29. 木暮蒼真,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「マイクロコムにおけるポンプパワーとデチューニングの線幅への影響」第84回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,22p-B204-4,熊本城ホール,2023年9月19日~23日.
  30. 藤井瞬,和田幸四郎,菅野凌,熊崎基,木暮蒼真,加藤雄一郎,田邉孝純,「ソリトンマイクロコムの広範囲精密チューニング」第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,18p-A501-12,上智大学四谷キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2023年3月15~18日.
  31. 菅野凌,大竹遼,田邉孝純,「チップスケール送信機に向けたSiN/Si集積の結合効率」第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,17p-PA05-3,上智大学四谷キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2023年3月15~18日.
  32. 國分淳之介,菅野凌,田邉孝純,「ランダム性を有するフォトニック結晶導波路を用いた再構成分光器の高性能化に関する研究」第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,15p-PB05-8,上智大学四谷キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2023年3月15~18日.
  33. 四方田彩花,菅野凌,田邉孝純,「ナノ構造体を用いた放射冷却による熱電発電に関する検討」第70回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,15p-PB06-12,上智大学四谷キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2023年3月15~18日.
  34. D. Lemcke, D. Moreno, S. Fujii, A. Nakashima, A. Uchida, and T. Tanabe, "Analysis of Chaos Synchronization of Microresonator Frequency Combs," The 70th JSAP Spring Meeting 2023, 15a-A305-6, 上智大学四谷キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2023年3月15~18日.
  35. 谷川幸彌,藤井瞬,木暮蒼真,田坂駿,田中脩矢,和田幸四郎,熊崎基,川西悟基,田邉孝純,「微小光共振器による光周波数コムを用いた多波長フィールド伝送」電子情報通信学会総合大会,B-8-15,芝浦工業大学(大宮キャンパス),2023年3月7日~10日.
  36. 四方田彩花,菅野凌,久保若菜,田邉孝純,「ナノ構造の放射冷却効果による熱電発電に関する検討」第22回レーザー学会東京支部研究会,東海大学高輪キャンパス,2023年3月3日.
  1. A. Nakashima, S. Fujii, R. Imamura, and T. Tanabe, "Saturable Absorber Embedded Microcavity for a Perfect Soliton Crystal," 12th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2022), P-10, Tokyo (Hybrid), Dec. 1-2 (2022).
  2.  K. Tanikawa, S. Fujii, S. Tanaka, S. Tasaka, K. Wada, S. Kogure, H. Kumazaki, S. Kawanishi, and T. Tanabe, "Field demonstration of low-latency optical transmission with soliton microcombs," 12th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2022), P-21, Tokyo (Hybrid), Dec. 1-2 (2022).
  3. R. Sugano, R. Nishihata, and T. Tanabe, "Impedance and mode matching for high-efficient Si/SiN waveguides coupling," 12th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2022), P-22, Tokyo (Hybrid), Dec. 1-2 (2022).
  4. S. Sugawara, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, and T. Tanabe, "Experimental measurement of Raman comb stability and mutual coherence in silica rod microresonator," 12th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2022), P-24, Tokyo (Hybrid), Dec. 1-2 (2022).
  5. S. Kogure, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S. Sota, and T. Tanabe, "Effect of detuning on RF beat note in modulation instability comb," 12th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2022), P-25, Tokyo (Hybrid), Dec. 1-2 (2022).
  6. T. Tanabe, "Microresonator frequency combs for ultra-low latency optical communication," 12th International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2022), D-4, Tokyo (Hybrid), Dec. 1-2 (2022).
  7. S. Kogure, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S. Sota, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Kobayashi, T. Araki, and T. Tanabe, "Effect of detuning on noise characteristics in a microcomb-based light source," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim 2022 (CLEO-PR 2022), CThP8F-03, Sapporo (Hybrid), Jul. 31-Aug. 5 (2022).
  8. R. Imamura, Y. Tate, A. Nakashima, K. Nagashima, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Mode-locked Operation in a Coupled Microresonator System with Gain and Nonlinear Loss," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim 2022 (CLEO-PR 2022), CThA8C-03, Sapporo (Hybrid), Jul. 31-Aug. 5 (2022).
  9. R. Sugano, S. Jin, J. Hofs, K. Yube, K. Nagashima, T. Kodama, and T. Tanabe, "Low-cost photonic crystal spectrometer using up-conversion," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim 2022 (CLEO-PR 2022), CFP8I-01, Sapporo (Hybrid), Jul. 31-Aug. 5 (2022).
  10. K. Tanikawa, S. Tasaka, S. Fujii, S. Tanaka, H. Kumazaki, K. Wada, S. Kogure, S. Kawanishi, and T. Tanabe, "FEC-free dense WDM transmission with Kerr soliton microcombs in crystalline MgF2 microresonators," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim 2022 (CLEO-PR 2022), CThA8C-04, Sapporo (Hybrid), Jul. 31-Aug. 5 (2022).
  11. S. Sugawara, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S. Sota, and T. Tanabe, "Experimental investigation of Raman comb formation and stability in a silica microrod resonator," Nonlinear Photonics (NP 2022), NpTh2G.4, Maastricht (Hybrid), Jul. 24-28 (2022).
  12. T. Tanabe, T. Kodama, and R. Sugano, "Enhancing the wavelength resolution of a chirped photonic crystal waveguide based spectrometer by employing fabrication error," The 12th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META 2022), 2A3-11:20, Torremolinos (Hybrid), Jul. 19-22 (2022) (invited).
  13. T. Tanabe, S. Kogure, and S. Fujii, “Integrated microresonator frequency comb source for massive-parallel optical communication,” 8th International Conference on Antennas and Electromagnetic Systems (AES 2022), 1A3-2, Marrakesh (Hybrid), May 24-27 (2022). (invited).
  14. T. Kodama, R. Sugano, J. Hofs, M. Ohtsuka, M. Seki, N. Yokoyama, M. Okano, and T. Tanabe, “Multi-wavelength reconstruction in a compact (< mm) high-resolution (< 0.1 nm) random photonic crystal spectrometer,” CLEO:2022, SM3K.6, San Jose (Hybrid), May 15-20 (2022).
  15. S. Fujii, K. Wada, S. Kogure, H. Kumazaki, and T. Tanabe, “Active Thermal Tuning of a Soliton Frequency Comb in a Crystalline Optical Microresonator,” CLEO:2022, JW3B.87, San Jose (Hybrid), May 15-20 (2022).
  16. S. Sugawara, S. Fujii, S. Sota, and T. Tanabe, “Stability and mutual coherence measurement of Raman microcomb in a silica WGM microresonator,” CLEO:2022, FTu4J.3, San Jose (Hybrid), May 15-20 (2022).
  17. A. Nakashima, S. Fujii, R. Imamura, K. Nagashima, and T. Tanabe, “Deterministic Generation of Perfect Soliton Crystal Assisted by Saturable Absorption,” CLEO:2022, SW5H.4, San Jose (Hybrid), May 15-20 (2022).
  18. S. Sota, K. Handa, T. Tanabe, Y. Uzawa, K. Furusawa, and N. Sekine, “Frequency comb generation in a silicon nitride microring resonator fabricated by using hot-wire CVD method,” CLEO:2022, STh2F.5, San Jose (Hybrid), May 15-20 (2022).
  19. S. Kogure, T. Ohtsuka, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S Tanaka, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Kobayashi, T. Araki, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, “FEC-free optical data transmission with a chip-integrated microresonator frequency comb source,”CLEO:2022, STh4K.2, San Jose (Hybrid), May 15-20 (2022).
  20. S. Sugawara, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S. Sota, and T. Tanabe, “Stability measurements of microresonator Raman combs,” The 11th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2022), ALPS7-01, Yokohama (Hybrid), Apr. 18-21 (2022).
  21. S. Kogure, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S. Sota, Y. Hashimoto3, Y. Kobayashi, T. Araki, T. Tanabe, “Detuning dependence of beat noise in a microresonator frequency comb source,” The 11th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2022), ALPS7-02, Yokohama (Hybrid), Apr. 18-21 (2022).
  22. K. Tanikawa, S. Tasaka, K. Wada, S. Kogure, S. Tanaka, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S. Kawanishi, and T. Tanabe, “Microresonator frequency comb for wavelength division multiplexing communications at 20-GHz channel spacing,” ALPS7-03, Yokohama (Hybrid), Apr. 18-21 (2022).
  23. T. Kodama, R. Sugano, J. Hofs, S. Jin, M. Ohtsuka, M. Seki, N. Yokoyama, M. Okano, and T. Tanabe, “Development of a photonic crystal spectrometer using randomness for multi-wavelength analysis,” ALPS7-04, Yokohama (Hybrid), Apr. 18-21 (2022).
  24. T. Tanabe, S. Fujii, S. Kogure, S. Kawanishi, “Microresonator Frequency Combs Generated by MgF2 Crystalline Microresonator and SiN Microring for Telecom Applications,” The 43rd Photonics and Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2021), 2A7b-5, Hangzhou (hybrid), Apr. 25-29 (2022). (invited)
  25. T. Tanabe, “Ultrahigh-Q crystalline whispering gallery mode microcavity fabricated with mechanical machining,” 6th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications (WOMA 2022), Hong Kong (hybrid), Feb. 7-9 (2022). (invited)
  26. 田邉孝純,「マイクロコム光源の高速光伝送システムへの適用に関する研究開発」,戦略的情報通信研究開発セミナー,成果発表1,オンライン,2022年12月16日.
  27. 田邉孝純,「超低遅延パラレル光通信のためのマイクロコム」ICTイノベーションフォーラム2022,特別講演②,オンライン,2022年12月14日.
  28. 木暮蒼真,藤井瞬,熊崎基,曽田昇太,田邉孝純,「変調不安定コムにおけるデチューニングと線幅の関係」Photonic Device Workshop 2022,P-(5),機械振興会館,2022年12月8~9日.
  29. 菅野凌,西端涼,田邉孝純,「エッジカプラを用いたSiN/Si集積の導波路設計」Photonic Device Workshop 2022,P-(6),機械振興会館,2022年12月8~9日.
  30. 今村陸,藤井瞬,中島綾太,田邉孝純,「利得と非線形損失を有する微小光共振器結合系におけるモード同期動作に向けた数値解」第83回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,22a-C206-6,東北大学川内北キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2022年9月20日~23日.
  31. 菅原漱人,藤井瞬,曽田昇汰,田邉 孝純,「シリカ WGM 微小共振器におけるラマンコムの安定性の評価」第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,24a-D315-6,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2022年3月22日~26日.
  32. 今村陸,建柚毅,藤井瞬,中島綾太,長島圭吾,田邉孝純,「利得と非線形吸収を有する微小光共振器結合系におけるモード同期動作」第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,24a-D315-7,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2022年3月22日~26日.
  33. 木暮蒼真,藤井瞬,熊崎基,曽田昇汰,橋本洋輔,小林雄太,荒木智宏,田邉孝純,「マイクロコムにおけるデチューニングとノイズの関係」第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,22a-E303-1,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2022年3月22日~26日.
  34. 曽田昇汰,半田浩一郎,田邉孝純,鵜澤佳徳,古澤健太郎,関根徳彦,「Hot-wire CVD法を用いたSiNリング共振器によるパラメトリック発振の観測」第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,22a-E303-2,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2022年3月22日~26日.
  35. 谷川幸彌,田坂駿,和田幸四郎,木暮蒼真,田中脩矢,藤井瞬,熊崎基,川西悟基,田邉孝純,「MgF2微小光共振器による光周波数コムの波長分割多重通信への応用」第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,22a-D215-9,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2022年3月22日~26日.
  36. 兒玉拓昌,菅野凌,H. Jocelyn,金セイ基,大塚実,関三好,横山信幸,岡野誠,田邉孝純,「ランダムフォトニック結晶導波路を用いた多波長解析」第69回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,24a-E301-10,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス(ハイブリッド),2022年3月22日~26日.
  37. 藤井瞬,和田幸四郎,木暮蒼真,熊崎基,柿沼康弘,田邉孝純,「高Q値微小光共振器による高繰り返しソリトンマイクロコムの発生と精密制御」レーザー学会学術講演会第42会年次大会,B03-12p-II-04,オンライン開催,2022年1月12日~14日.
  38. 今村陸,藤井瞬,木暮蒼真,田邉孝純,「微小光共振器で生成する光周波数コム及びWGMレーザーの応用展開」レーザー学会学術講演会第42会年次大会,E09-12a-V-01,オンライン開催,2022年1月12日~14日.(招待講演)
  1. S. Sugawara, S. Tanaka, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S. Tasaka, S. Kawanishi, and T. Tanabe, “Optical transmission using Stokes light,” International Symposium on Novel maTerials and quantum Technologies (ISNTT2021), S08-4, online, Dec. 14-17 (2021).
  2. S. Kogure; T. Ohtsuka; S. Fujii; H. Kumazaki, K. Wada, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Kobayashi, T. Araki, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, "Comparison of microcomb-based light sources for optical data transmission," Frontiers in Optics + Laser Science (FiO/FS 2021), FM1B.1, online, Oct. 31-Nov. 4 (2021).
  3. R. Imamura, K. Nagashima, and T. Tanabe, "Measurement of saturable absorption behavior of CNT/PDMS coated high-Q microcavity towards mode-locking of Er-doped laser," 11th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META2021), Warsaw, Jul. 20-23 (2021). (invited)
  4. R. Imamura, A. Nakashima, K. Nagashima, T. S. L. P. Suzuki, R. Ishida, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Design of a Passively Mode-locked Microlaser with an Er-doped Microcavity and Carbon Nanotubes," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2021), CF-4.6, online, Jun. 21-25 (2021).
  5. S. Tanaka, S. Fujii, K. Wada, H. Kumazaki, S. Kogure, S. Tasaka, T. Ohtsuka, S. Kawanishi, and T. Tanabe, "Optical Data Transmission with a Dissipative Kerr Soliton in an Ultrahigh Q MgF2 Microresonator," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2021), CI-1.4, online, Jun. 21-25 (2021).
  6. A. Nakashima, S. Fujii, R. Imamura, K. Nagashima, and T. Tanabe, "Stable formation of multiple solitons in an optical microresonator assisted by saturable absorption," CLEO:2021, SW4A.3, online, May 9-14 (2021).
  7. S. Kogure, T. Ohtsuka, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, K. Wada, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Kobayashi, T. Araki, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, "Optical data transmission with a microresonator-based comb source," International Conference on Nano-photonics and Nano-optoelectronics (ICNN2021), ICNN-6-02, online, Apr. 19-21 (2021).
  8. S. Tanaka, S. Fujii, K. Wada, H. Kumazaki, S. Kogure, S. Tasaka, T. Ohtsuka, S. Kawanishi, and T. Tanabe, "Optical data transmission with a dissipative Kerr soliton in an ultrahigh-Q MgF2 microresonator," The 10th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2021), ALPS-P-19, online, Apr. 19-21 (2021).
  9. S. Sugawara, S. Tanaka, K. Wada, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, S. Tasaka, S. Sota, T. Ohtsuka, S. Kawanishi, and T. Tanabe, "Raman-comb-based wavelength source for optical communication," The 10th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2021), ALPS-12-05, online, Apr. 19-21 (2021).
  10. A. Nakashima, S. Fujii, R. Imamura, K. Nagashima, and T. Tanabe, "Generation of multiple solitons with help from a saturable absorber," The 10th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2021), ALPS-9-02, online, Apr. 19-21 (2021).
  11. S. Fujii, K. Wada, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Fabrication of dispersion engineered ultrahigh-Q crystalline optical microresonator for broad-bandwidth optical parametric oscillation," SPIE Photonics West 2021, 11672-6, online, Feb 6-11 (2021). (invited)
  12. 田邉孝純,「SiNマイクロリング型コム発生器」Photonic Device Workshop 2011,PDW-II(7),オンライン開催,2021年11月4日~5日.(招待講演)
  13. 曽田昇汰,古澤健太郎,関根徳彦,田邉孝純,「ソリトンマイクロコムからの2トーン信号発生用オンチップSiNリング共振器フィルタのチューニング特性評価」第82回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,13a-N103-4,オンライン開催,2021年9月10日~13日.
  14. 田邉孝純,「微小光共振器による光周波数コム光源の開発とその応用」レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス(LQE)8月研究会,LQE2021-1,オンライン開催,2021年8月27日.(招待講演)
  15. 藤井瞬,葉山優花,熊崎基,和田幸四郎,柿沼康弘,田邉孝純,「マイクロ周波数コム応用へ向けた超精密機械加工技術の展開」第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,19p-Z06-1,オンライン開催,2021年3月16日~19日.(講演奨励賞受賞記念講演)
  16. 中島綾太,藤井瞬,今村陸,長島圭吾,田邉孝純,「可飽和吸収体を用いたマルチソリトン生成に関する数値解析」第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,19p-Z06-6,オンライン開催,2021年3月16日~19日.
  17. 今村陸,長島圭吾,藤井瞬,熊﨑基,田邉孝純,「コーティング法によるEr添加トロイド微小光共振器の作製」第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,19p-Z06-7,オンライン開催,2021年3月16日~19日.
  18. 木暮蒼真,大塚民貴,藤井瞬,熊崎基,和田幸四郎,橋本洋輔,小林雄太,荒木智宏,古澤健太郎,関根徳彦,田邉孝純,「光伝送応用へ向けたマイクロコムの雑音特性の評価」第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,16p-Z10-16,オンライン開催,2021年3月16日~19日.
  19. 半田浩一朗,曽田昇汰,古澤健太郎,青木画奈,関根徳彦,柳澤亮人,石田悟己,野村政宏,岩本敏,田邉孝純,「Hot-wire CVD法による厚膜SiNを用いた低損失リング共振器作製」第68回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,19a-Z05-8,オンライン開催,2021年3月16日~19日.
  20. 大塚民貴,藤井瞬,熊崎基,木暮蒼真,和田幸四郎,古澤健太郎,関根徳彦,田邉孝純,「SiN微小光共振器を用いたマイクロコムによるWDM伝送」2021年電子情報通信学会総合大会,C-3/4-38,オンライン開催,2021年3月9日~12日.
  21. 中島綾太,長島圭吾,藤井瞬,今村陸,田邉孝純,「レート方程式を用いたEr添加微小光共振器の過渡解析」レーザー学会学術講演会第41会年次大会,E03-20a-VI-03,オンライン開催,2021年1月18日~20日.
  22. 和田 幸四郎,藤井瞬,熊崎基,大塚民貴,木暮蒼真,曽田昇汰,川西悟基,橋本洋輔,小林雄太,荒木智宏,田邉孝純,「フッ化マグネシウム微小光共振器を用いた散逸性カーソリトンの安定化」レーザー学会学術講演会第41会年次大会,E02-18p-V-04,オンライン開催,2021年1月18日~20日.
  1. S. Fujii, Y. Hayama, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, “Dispersion controlled crystalline high-Q microresonator for broad bandwidth optical parametric oscillation and soliton generation,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2020 (OPJ2020) OSJ-OSA-OSK Joint Symposia on Optics, 15aBJ1, online, Nov 14-15 (2020).
  2. K. Yube, H. Kumazaki, Y. Zhuang, S. Fujii, R. Imamura, R. Ishida, and T. Tanabe, “Couping of Whispering Gallery Mode with Silicon Photonic Crystal,” CLEO:2020, SM1J.4, online, May 10-15 (2020).
  3. T. Kodama, J. Hofs, S. Jin, and T. Tanabe, “High-resolution Spectrometer with Random Photonic Crystals,” CLEO:2020, FM2R.4, online, May 10-15 (2020).
  4. K. Wada, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, T. Ohtsuka, S. Sota, S. Kawanishi, and T. Tanabe, “Efficient Kerr comb generation aligned with ITU-T grid for DWDM telecom applications,” CLEO:2020, JW2A.159, online, May 10-15 (2020) (e-poster presentation).
  5. T. Ohtsuka, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, K. Wada, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, “Generation of Kerr frequency comb aligned with ITU-T DWDM grid for telecom applications,” CLEO:2020, JTh2A.163, online, May 10-15 (2020) (e-poster presentation).
  6. J. Hofs, T. Kodama, S. Jin, and T. Tanabe, “Breaking the Fabrication Determined Resolution Limit of Photonic Crystal Wavemeter by Machine Learning,” CLEO:2020, SF1J.4, online, May 10-15 (2020).
  7. S. Sota, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, T. Ohtsuka, R. Suzuki, and T. Tanabe, “Study on broadband Raman comb generation in silica rod microresonators,” The 9th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2020), ALPS1-02, online, Apr. 20-23 (2020).
  8. K. Nagashima, R. Ishida, R. Imamura, S. Fujii, S. Y. Set, S. Yamashita, and T. Tanabe, “Saturable absorption of CNT/PDMS coated high-Q microcavity,” The 9th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2020), ALPS9-03 online, Apr. 20-23 (2020).
  9. K. Wada, S. Fujii, H. Kumazaki, T. Ohtsuka, S. Sota, S. Kawanishi, Y. Hashimoto, Y. Kobayashi, T. Araki, and T. Tanabe, “Kerr frequency comb aligned with ITU-T grid for DWDM telecom applications in crystalline microresonators,” The 9th Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS2020), ALPS9-27, online, Apr. 20-23 (2020).
  10. S. Fujii and T. Tanabe, “Experimental and numerical demonstration of tunable octave-wide four-wave mixing in dispersion engineered microresonators,” SPIE Photonics West 2020, 11274-19, San Fransisco, Feb 1-6 (2020). (invited)
  11. T. Tanabe, S. Fujii, and Y. Kakinuma, “Generation of clustered comb with dispersion controlled high-Q crystalline whispering gallery mode microcavity fabricated with mechanical machining,” The 50th Winter Colloquium on the Physics of Quantum Electronics (PQE-2020), WED12:40, Snowbird, Jan 5-10 (2020). (invited)
  12. 田邉孝純,「多波長光源に向けた微小光共振器による光周波数コム」第156回微小光学研究会,オンライン開催,2020年10月14日.(招待講演)
  13. T. Tanabe, S. Fujii, and Y. Kakinuma “Dispersion engineering for microresonator frequency comb generation,” 第81回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会(JSAP-OSA Joint Symposia 2020), Sep 8-11 (2020). (invited).
  14. 藤井瞬,葉山優花,熊崎基,和田幸四郎,柿沼康弘,田邉 孝純,「超精密機械加工による高Q値単結晶微小光共振器の作製」第81回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,10p-Z19-2,オンライン開催,2020年9月8日~11日.(注目講演)
  15. 藤井瞬,田中脩矢,葉山優花,柿沼康弘,田邉 孝純,「高Q値単結晶微小光共振器を用いた広帯域光パラメトリック発振の観測」第81回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,10p-Z19-3,オンライン開催,2020年9月8日~11日.
  16. 大塚民貴,藤井瞬,熊崎基,和田幸四郎,古澤健太郎,関根徳彦,田邉孝純,「光通信用光源としてのITU-DWDMに合わせたマイクロコムの生成」第81回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,9p-Z19-2,オンライン開催,2020年9月8日~11日.
  17. 田邉孝純,「マイクロ共振器周波数コム」第3回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会(UFO),オンライン開催,2020年9月3日.(招待講演)
  18. 大塚民貴,藤井瞬,熊崎基,和田幸四郎,古澤健太郎,関根徳彦,田邉孝純,「WDM通信用光源としての光周波数コムデバイス」2020年電子情報通信学会総合大会,C-3/4-73,広島大学,2020年3月17日~20日.(現地開催中止/予稿公開)
  19. 今村陸,長島圭吾,石田蘭丸,田邉孝純,「10 nm縦モード間隔を有するEr添加トロイド微小光共振器」第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,12p-B415-11,上智大学四谷キャンパス,2020年3月12日~15日.(現地開催中止/予稿公開)
  20. 今村陸,長島圭吾,石田蘭丸,藤井瞬,セットジイヨン,山下真司,田邉孝純,「PDMSを用いた微小光共振器へのCNTのコーティングと可飽和吸収特性」第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,12p-B415-12,上智大学四谷キャンパス,2020年3月12日~15日.(現地開催中止/予稿公開)
  21. 曽田昇汰,藤井瞬,鈴木良,田邉孝純,「シリカ微小光共振器における広帯域ラマンコム発生に関する研究」第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,12p-B415-14,上智大学四谷キャンパス,2020年3月12日~15日.(現地開催中止/予稿公開)
  22. 兒玉拓昌,金セイ基,Jocelyn Hofs,田邉孝純,「ランダムフォトニック結晶を用いた高性能分光器」第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,14a-B415-5,上智大学四谷キャンパス,2020年3月12日~15日.(現地開催中止/予稿公開)
  23. 遊部航希,熊崎基,Yuyang Zhuang,藤井瞬,今村陸,石田蘭丸,田邉孝純,「ウィスパリングギャラリーモードのシリコンフォトニック結晶素子との結合」第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,14a-B415-12,上智大学四谷キャンパス,2020年3月12日~15日.(現地開催中止/予稿公開)
  24. 和田幸四郎,藤井瞬,熊崎基,大塚民貴,曽田昇汰,川西悟基,田邉孝純,「ITU-T周波数グリッドに照準を合わせた光カーコムの発生」第67回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,12a-B406-5,上智大学四谷キャンパス,2020年3月12日~15日.(現地開催中止/予稿公開)
  25. 半田浩一朗,古澤健太郎,青木画奈,関根徳彦,柳沢亮人,石田悟己,野村政宏,岩本敏, 田邉孝純,「低損失デバイス作製のためのクライオエッチング加工特性の検討」2020年度レーザー学会東京支部研究会,東海大学高輪キャンパス,2020年3月6日.(現地開催中止/予稿公開)
  26. 長島圭吾,鈴木智生サムエル,藤井瞬,石田蘭丸,今村陸,田邉 孝純,「Er添加微小光共振器とCNTを用いたモード同期条件の数値解析」レーザー学会学術講演会第40回年次大会,B08-22a-III-03,仙台国際センター,2020年1月20日~22日.
  1. T. Tanabe, "Broad bandwidth phase-matched four-wave mixing in dispersion-engineered microresonators," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP2019), Photonics Research Workshop: Microcavity Photonics, Talk 6, Chengdu, 2-5 Nov (2019). (invited) 5,063 kB
  2. R. Ishida, T. Suzuki, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "The influence of reverse saturable absorption of SWCNTs on mode locking in a fiber-ring resonator," OSA Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science APS/DLS (FiO/LS), JW4A.36, Washington DC, Sep 15-19 (2019). 2,662 kB
  3. S. Fujii, Y. Hayama, S. Tanaka, S. Sota, K. Wada, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Dispersion engineering of crystalline microresonator fabricated with computer-controlled diamond turning," OSA Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science APS/DLS (FiO/LS), FTu5C.5, Washington DC, Sep 15-19 (2019). 2,835 kB
  4. H. Kumazaki, Y. Zhuang, S. Fujii, K. Yube, and T. Tanabe, "Silica toroid microcavity coupled to silicon photonic chip," OSA Frontiers in Optics and Laser Science APS/DLS (FiO/LS), JTu4A.125, Washington DC, Sep 15-19 (2019). 2,532 kB
  5. T. Tanabe, N. A. B. Daud, H. Kumazaki, and S. Jin, "Fully CMOS compatible high-Q photonic crystal nanocavity devices and their applications," 10th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META2019), 2A10-3, Lisbon, 23-26 July (2019). (invited)
  6. S. Fujii, M. Fuchida, H. Amano, S. Tanaka, R. Suzuki, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Precisely dispersion tailored crystalline microresonator with a Q Exceeding 108 fabricated by computer-controlled machining," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2019), CK-5.6, Munich, 23-27 June (2019). 4,807 kB
  7. Y. Zhuang, H. Kumazaki, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Extremely efficient coupling of silica toroid microresonator to silicon chip with photonic crystal waveguide," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2019), CK-5.2, Munich, 23-27 June (2019). 1,458 kB
  8. R. Imamura, S. Fujii, T. S. L. P. Suzuki, R. Suzuki, R. Ishida, M. Ito, H. Maki, L. Yang, and T. Tanabe, "Saturable absorption with CNT coupled WGM and fabrication of Er-doped microresonator for on-chip mode-locked laser," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2019), CK-3.5, Munich, 23-27 June (2019). 4,168 kB
  9. T. S. L. P. Suzuki, S. Fujii, R. Ishida, R. Imamura, M. Ito, H. Maki, L. Yang, S. Y. Set, and T. Tanabe "Towards mode-locking of an active whispering-gallery-mode microresonator," The 41st Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), 4P10b-1, Rome, Jun 17-20 (2019). 2,470 kB
  10. T. Tanabe, R. Suzuki, and Y. Honda, "Coupling of mechanical motion with frequency comb and Brillouin lasing in whispering gallery modes," The 41st Photonics & Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2019), 4A16-5, Rome, Jun 17-20 (2019). (invited) 3,259 kB
  11. T. Tanabe, "Efficient coupling of whispering-gallery-mode silica toroid microcavity to planer silicon platform," Optical Nanofibre Applications: From Quantum to Bio Technologies (ONNA 2019), Okinawa, Jun 3-6 (2019). (invited). 5,243 kB
  12. S. Fujii, M. Fuchida, H. Amano, R. Suzuki, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Ultrahigh-Q crystalline microresonator fabricated with computer-controlled machining without polishing," CLEO:2019, STh4J.6, San Jose, May 5-10 (2019). 2,369 kB
  13. R. Imamura, S. Fujii, T. S. L. P. Suzuki, R. Suzuki, R. Ishida, M. Ito, H. Maki, L. Yang, and T. Tanabe, "Fabrication of Er-doped microresonator for on-chip mode-locked laser with CNT as saturable absorber," The 8th Advances Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'19), ALPS-15-04, Yokohama, April 22-25 (2019). 3,863 kB
  14. S. Tanaka, M. Fuchida, S. Fujii, H. Amano, A. Kubota, R. Suzuki, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Improvement of Q factor and dispersion of crystalline microresonator towards soliton comb generation," The 8th Advances Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'19), ALPS-P2-23, Yokohama, April 22-25 (2019). 1,644 kB
  15. T. Tanabe, "Brillouin Laser in Coupled Microresonator System," The 3rd Workshop on OptoMechanics and Brillouin Scattering (WOMBAT2019), We8.1, Tel-Aviv, Mar 26-18 (2019). (invited) 6,029 kB
  16. T. Tanabe, R. Suzuki, and S. Fujii, "Kerr comb generation in a mode coupled system," SPIE Photonics West, 10904-20, San Francisco, Feb 2-7 (2019). (invited) 10,089 kB
  17. J. J. Hofs, S. Jin, T. Kodama, and T. Tanabe「Compact spectrometer: Breaking the resolution limit by taking advantage of photonic crystal randomness by deep learning algorithm」第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,19p-E207-1,北海道大学札幌キャンパス,2019年9月18日~21日.
  18. 今村陸,鈴木智生,藤井瞬,石田蘭丸,田邉 孝純,「微⼩光共振器を⽤いたモード同期レーザにおける数値解析」第80回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,21a-E203-7,北海道大学札幌キャンパス,2019年9月18日~21日.
  19. 今村陸,鈴木智生,石田蘭丸,藤井瞬,牧英之,ヤン リャン,田邉孝純,「小型モード同期レーザ開発に向けた可飽和吸収特性とエルビウム添加微小光共振器の作製」,電気学会(C部門)光・量子デバイス研究会,OQD-19-029,自動車会館,2019年7月26日.
  20. 今村陸,鈴木智生,石田蘭丸,鈴木 良,藤井瞬,伊藤瑞生,牧英之,ヤン リャン,田邉孝純,「小型モード同期レーザに向けたエルビウム添加微小光共振器の作製」,第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,10p-W834-4,東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス,2019年3月9日~12日.
  21. 田中脩矢,藤井瞬,渕田美夏,天野光,久保田啓寛,鈴木良,柿沼康弘,田邉孝純,「超高Q値フッ化マグネシウム微小光共振器の精密分散測定」,第66回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,12a-PA2-3,東京工業大学大岡山キャンパス,2019年3月9日~12日.
  22. 金セイ基,ヌル アシキン ビンティ ダウド,田邉孝純,「 CMOS互換フォトニック結晶共振器によるモニタリング用送受信器素子の開発」レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス研究会(LQE),大阪大学中之島センター,LQE2018-155,2019年1月17日~18日.
  23. 田邉孝純,藤井瞬,鈴木良,熊谷傳,石田蘭丸,鈴木智生,「微小光共振器によるマイクロコム発生」レーザー学会学術講演会第39回年次大会,13aIX-5, 東海大学高輪キャンパス,2019年1月12日〜14日.(招待講演)
  1. T. Tanabe, S. Fujii, R. Suzuki, and Y. Honda, "Microcavity based laser sources: Microresonator frequency comb and Brillouin lasing," 23rd Microoptics Conference (MOC2018), H1, Taipei, Oct 15-18 (2018). (invited) 5,884 kB
  2. N. A. Daud, T. Tetsumoto, and T. Tanabe, "Photolithographically Fabricated Silicon Photonic Crystal Nanocavity Photoreceiver with a Laterally Integrated Pin Diode," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS), 2P15a-3, Toyama, Aug 1-4 (2018). 2,160 kB
  3. S. Jin, Y. Ooka, T. Tetsumoto, N. A. Daud, N. Kamioka, T. Okamura, and T. Tanabe, "Improved CMOS compatible photonic crystal demultiplexer," CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, W4H.3, HongKong, Jul 29-Aug 3 (2018). 5,367 kB
  4. R. Ishida and T. Tanabe, "Strong MoS2 photoluminescence on graphen for coupling with silica microcavity," CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, W3A.4, HongKong, Jul 29-Aug 3 (2018). 491 kB
  5. R. Suzuki, S. Fujii, A. Hori, and T. Tanabe, "Soliton trapping in a Kerr microresonator with orthogonally polarized dual-pumping," CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, W1B.3, HongKong, Jul 29-Aug 3 (2018). 5,011 kB
  6. S. Fujii, R. Suzuki, M. Hasegawa, and T. Tanabe, "Kerr comb generation under weak dispersion regime in high-Q silica microtoroids," CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, Tu3H.4, HongKong, Jul 29-Aug 3 (2018).2,052 kB
  7. T. Tanabe "Brillouin lasing in a coupled toroid microcavities system," CLEO Pacific Rim 2018, WS7-5, HongKong, Jul 29-Aug 3 (2018). (invited) 6,952 kB
  8. T. Tanabe, R. Suzuki, Y. Honda, and S. Fujii "Frequency comb and Brillouin lasing in optical microcavities," Asia Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS), F1, Xi'an, May 28-31 (2018). (invited) 7,358 kB
  9. R. Suzuki, A. Kubota, A. Hori, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Raman comb generation through broadband gain in a silica microresonator," CLEO:2018, SW3A.7, San Jose, May 13-18 (2018). 3,362 kB
  10. S. Fujii, M. Hasegawa, R. Suzuki, T. Tanabe, "Nonlinear Parametric Oscillation Phase-matched via High-order Dispersion in High-Q Silica Toroid Microresonators," The 7th Advances Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'18), ALPS5-I1-7, Yokohama, April 24-27 (2018). 2,294 kB
  11. T. Kumagai, N. Hirota, K. Sato, K. Namiki, A. Hori, H. Maki, and T. Tanabe, "Saturable absorption by carbon nanotubes on silica microtoroids for stable mode locking," SPIE Photonics West 2018, 10518-16, San Francisco, January 27-February 1 (2018). [Proc. SPIE, Vol. 10518, 105180H (2018).] 3,184 kB
  12. 田邉孝純,「微小光共振器を用いた光コム光源開発」2018年度精密工学会秋季大会シンポジウム,函館アリーナ,2018年9月5日~7日.(招待講演)
  13. 田邉孝純,鈴木良,藤井 瞬,「マイクロ共振器を用いた光カーコム発生』第28回シリコンフォトニクス研究会,11:05-11:35,東京工業大学 大岡山キャンパス,2018年7月25日.(招待講演)
  14. 長谷川穂,藤井瞬,鈴木良,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器における高次分散を利用した広帯域周波数変換」第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,20p-P3-4,早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,2018年3月17日~20日.
  15. 熊谷傳,廣田直弥,佐藤克哉,並木洸樹,堀敦裕,牧英之,田邉孝純,「カーボンナノチューブ可飽和吸収特性を付与したトロイド微小光共振器」第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,20p-P3-6,早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,2018年3月17日~20日.
  16. 金セイ基,大岡勇太,鐵本智大,ヌル・アシキン・ビンティ・ダウド,田邉孝純,「フォトリソグラフィによるフォトニック結晶波長分波器とその最適化」第65回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,20p-C301-7,早稲田大学西早稲田キャンパス,2018年3月17日~20日.
  17. 田邉孝純「誘導ラマン散乱を用いたマイクロコム光の波長帯域の拡大」,レーザー学会学術講演会第38回年次大会,京都市勧業館みやこめっせ,2018年1月24日〜26日.(招待講演)
  1. T. Tetsumoto, H. Kumazaki, R. Ishida, and T. Tanabe, "Investigation of the influence of proximity effect and randomness on photolithographically fabricated photonic crystal nanobeam cavity," SPIE NanoPhotonics Australia 2017, 10456-63, Melbourne, December 10-13 (2017). [Proc. SPIE, Vol. 10456, 104561Y (2018).] 2,315 kB
  2. T. Tanabe, Y. Ooka, N. A. B. Daud, and T. Tetsumoto, "Robust CMOS compatible photonic crystal nanocavity and DEMUX filter," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference (ACP 2017), M1F.1, Guangzhou, November 10-13 (2017). (invited) 5,243 kB
  3. N. Kamioka, T. Tetsumoto, and T. Tanabe, "FDTD with an off-diagonal permittivity tensor component to study the magneto-optical effect in a slow light waveguide," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), JW4A.50, Washington DC, September 17-21 (2017). 481 kB
  4. R. Suzuki, A. Kubota, S. Fujii, A. Hori, T. Kato, and T. Tanabe, "Raman Comb Formation in Silica Rod Microresonator," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), JW3A.76, Washington DC, September 17-21 (2017). 2,148 kB
  5. T. Okamura, M. Kobayashi, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Highly sensitive ammonia gas detection with a silica toroid microcavity packaged in a box," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), FTu2D.3, Washington DC, September 17-21 (2017). 1,381 kB
  6. T. Tetsumoto, H. Kumazaki, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, "Investigation of an optimal coupling condition with a nanobeam cavity made of low refractive index material," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), FTu2D.3, Washington DC, September 17-21 (2017). 9,931 kB
  7. S. Fujii, Y. Okabe, T. Kato, R. Suzuki, A. Hori, and T. Tanabe, "Nonlinear coupled mode equations for Kerr comb generation in coupled microcavity system," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), FTu2D.3, Washington DC, September 17-21 (2017). 17,705 kB
  8. T. Tetsumoto, H. Kumazaki, Y. Honda, W. Yoshiki, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, "Experimental investigation of feasability of a hybrid system of a photonic crystal waveguide & a toroidal microcavity," The 24th Congress of the International Commissions for Optics (ICO-24), F1E-06, Tokyo, 21-25 August (2017). 2,167 kB
  9. S. Fujii, Y. Okabe, T. Kato, R. Suzuki, Y. Honda, A. Hori, and T. Tanabe, "Numerical simulation of dark soliton generation in coupled microcavity system," The 24th Congress of the International Commissions for Optics (ICO-24), M1E-07, Tokyo, 21-25 August (2017). 1,692 kB
  10. N. A. B. Daud, Y. Ooka, T. Tetsumoto, and T. Tanabe, "SiO2 clad active and passive photonic crystal nanocavity devices fabricated with photolithography," The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-Pacific Rim 2017), P3‐119, Singapore, 31 July - 4 August (2017). 1,092 kB
  11. T. Tetsumoto, H. Kumazaki, Y. Honda, and T. Tanabe, "Demonstration of direct coupling between a toroid microcavity and a photonic crystal waveguide," The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-Pacific Rim 2017), 2-1L-4, Singapore, 31 July - 4 August (2017). 2,208 kB
  12. T. Tanabe, "Stimulated Raman scattering comb in a silica microcavity," Integrated Photonics Research, Silicon, and Nano-Photonics (IPR 2017), IM4A.3, New Orleans, 24-27 July (2017). (invited) 3,269 kB
  13. A. Hori, T. Kato, R. Suzuki, S. Fujii, T. Kobatake, and T. Tanabe, "Interaction of transverse modes via stimulated Raman scattering on comb generation in a silica toroid Microcavity," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2017), CD-P.25, Munich, 25-29 June (2017). 807 kB
  14. R. Suzuki, T. Kato, T. Kobatake, and T. Tanabe, "Cavity optomechanical coupling to multiple resonances assisted by Kerr comb generation in toroid microcavity," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2017), CD-P.7, Munich, 25-29 June (2017). 486 kB
  15. Y. Honda, W. Yoshiki, T. Tetsumoto, S. Fujii, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, "Brillouin lasing in coupled silica toroid microcavities," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2017), CD-5.1, Munich, 25-29 June (2017). 1,242 kB
  16. M. Fuchida, H. Itobe, R. Suzuki, Y. Nakagawa, W. Yoshiki, Y. Mizumoto, Y. Kakinuma, S. Okuda, H. Sasada, and T. Tanabe, "Dispersion tailoring of a crystalline whispering gallery mode microcavity for optical Kerr frequency comb generation," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2017), CK-5.3, Munich, 25-29 June (2017).
  17. A. Kubota, R. Suzuki, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Third-harmonic generation with Kerr frequency comb in silica rod microcavity," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe - EQEC 2017), CK-2.5, Munich, 25-29 June (2017). 1,474 kB
  18. T. Tetsumoto, H. Kumazaki, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, A. Kasamatsu, and T. Tanabe, "High Q silica nanobeam cavity for simultaneous resonance of TE- and TM-like modes," CLEO:2017, JW2A, San Jose, May 14-19 (2017). 9,315 kB
  19. W. Yoshiki, Y. Honda, T. Tetsumoto, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, "Demonstration of all-optical tunable buffering using coupled ultra-high-Q silica toroid microcavities," CLEO:2017, SM2N2, San Jose, May 14-19 (2017). 1,618 kB
  20. W. Yoshiki, Y. Honda, M. Kobayashi, T. Tetsumoto, and T. Tanabe, "Adiabatic frequency conversion in an ultra-high-Q silica microcavity using the Kerr effect," CLEO:2017, SM2N1, San Jose, May 14-19 (2017). 1,283 kB
  21. T. Tetsumoto, Y. Ooka, N. A. B. Daud, N. Kamioka, T. Okamura, and T. Tanabe, "A CMOS compatible in-plane compact wavelength demultiplexer based on photonic crystal nanocavities," International Conference on Nano-photonics and Nano-optoelectronics (ICNN2017), ICNN2-5, Yokohama, April 18-21 (2017). 2,932 kB
  22. N. A. B. Daud, Y. Ooka, T. Tetsumoto, and T. Tanabe, " Photonic crystal nanocavity photodetector integrated with p-i-n junction fabricated by photolithography process," International Conference on Nano-photonics and Nano-optoelectronics (ICNN2017), ICNN8-3, Yokohama, April 18-21 (2017). 966 kB
  23. S. Fujii, T. Kato, A. Chen-Jinnai, R. Suzuki, and T. Tanabe, "Broad bandwidth visible light generation via third-order nonlinear interaction in silica toroid microcavity," The 6th Advances Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17), ALPSp14-03, Yokohama, April 18-21 (2017). 5,186 kB
  24. N. Hirota, W. Yoshiki, A. Hori, K. Namiki, K. Sato, H. Maki, and T. Tanabe, "Growing carbon nanotubes on a silica toroid microcavity to observe saturable absorption," The 6th Advances Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17), ALPS11-3, Yokohama, April 18-21 (2017). 2,459 kB
  25. Y. Honda, W. Yoshiki, T. Tetsumoto, S. Fujii, K. Furusawa, N. Sekine, and T. Tanabe, "Tuning supermode splitting for stimulated Brillouin scattering," The 6th Advances Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'17), ALPS8-4, Yokohama, April 18-21 (2017). 1,218 kB
  26. T. Tanabe, T. Kato, S. Fujii, R. Suzuki, and A. Hori, "Effect of Raman scattering and mode coupling in Kerr comb generation in a silica whispering gallery mode microcavity," SPIE Photonics West, San Francisco, January 28-February 2 (2017). [Proc. SPIE, Vol. 10090, 100900F (2017).] (invited) 3,240 kB
  27. 上岡直隆,鐵本智大,田邉孝純「FDTD法を用いたフォトニック結晶導波路のスローライト効果による磁気光学効果アイソレータの小型化の数値解析的検討」第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,6a-A405-4,福岡国際会議場,2017年9月5日~8日.
  28. 岡村拓,小林美紗子,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「パッケージングしたシリカトロイド共振器を用いた高感度アンモニアガス検出」第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,7p-PA2-9,福岡国際会議場,2017年9月5日~8日.
  29. 藤井瞬,岡部悠介,加藤拓巳,鈴木良,堀 敦裕,田邉孝純,「非線形結合モード方程式を用いた結合共振器モデルにおけるマイクロコムシミュレーション」第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,7a-PA4-1,福岡国際会議場,2017年9月5日~8日.
  30. 藤井瞬,加藤 拓巳,鈴木 良,堀 敦裕,田邉 孝純,「シリカ微小光共振器における四光波混合と誘導ラマン散乱間で発生する利得競合の観測」第78回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,6p-S45-20,福岡国際会議場,2017年9月5日~8日.
  31. 田邉孝純,藤井瞬,本多祥大,吉岐航,鈴木 良,加藤 拓巳「マイクロ共振器を用いた非線形光学」超高速光エレクトロニクス(UFO)研究会 第 1 回研究会,名古屋大学 東山キャンパス,2017年6月14日.(招待講演)
  32. 加藤拓巳,藤井瞬,鈴木良,田邉孝純,「トロイド微小光共振器を用いた光カーコム発生」2017年電子情報通信学会総合大会,C-4-5,名城大学天白キャンパス,2017年3月22日~25日.(招待講演)
  33. 鈴木良,加藤拓巳,小畠知也,田邉孝純,「トロイド共振器における光カーコム発生時の共振器オプトメカニクス」第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,15p-E205-8,パシフィコ横浜,2017年3月14日~17日.
  34. 久保田啓寛,鈴木良,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「シリカロッド共振器における光カーコムを伴う第三次高調波発生」第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,17a-P2-5,パシフィコ横浜,2017年3月14日~17日.
  35. 渕田美夏,中川陽介,糸部大貴,水本由達,柿沼康弘,田邉孝純,「ウィスパリングギャラリーモード結晶共振器における分散制御」第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,17a-P2-6,パシフィコ横浜,2017年3月14日~17日.
  36. 藤井瞬,加藤拓巳,陣内哲倫,鈴木良,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器における三次非線形光学効果を介した広帯域可視光発生」第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,16p-311-20,パシフィコ横浜,2017年3月14日~17日.
  37. 本多祥大,吉岐航,鐵本智大,藤井瞬,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド結合共振器によるブリルアン発振」第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,15p-E205-18,パシフィコ横浜,2017年3月14日~17日.
  38. 堀敦裕,加藤拓巳,鈴木良,藤井瞬,小畠知也,田邉孝純,「マイクロコム発生における誘導ラマン散乱による横モード間の相互作用」第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,16p-311-17,パシフィコ横浜,2017年3月14日~17日.
  39. 鐵本智大,熊崎基,本多祥大,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド微小光共振器とフォトニック結晶導波路の結合実験」第64回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,16a-F202-4,パシフィコ横浜,2017年3月14日~17日.
  1. Y. Okabe, T. Kato, S. Fujii, R. Suzuki, T. Tanabe, "Numerical modeling of the generation of a Kerr comb in a coupled cavity system using coupled mode equations," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), JW2A.150, Rochester, October 17-21 (2016). 264 kB
  2. Y. Ooka, N. A. Daud, T. Tetsumoto, T. Tanabe, "Ultrasmall in-plane photonic crystal demultiplexer fabricated with photolithography," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), FTu2D.3, Rochester, October 17-21 (2016). 1,563 kB
  3. S. Fujii, T. Kato, A. Hori, Y. Okabe, A. Kubota, T. Tanabe, "Blue light emission via harmonic generation by stimulated Raman scattering in a silica toroid microcavity," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), FTh5G.5, Rochester, October 17-21 (2016). 1,609 kB
  4. T. Tanabe, T. Tetsumoto, Y. Ooka, and N. A. B. Daud, "Recent progress on high-Q photonic crystal nanocavities: Photolithographic fabrication and reconfigurable 2ystem," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2016), SC3, Shanghai, August 8-11 (2016). (invited) 4,703 kB
  5. T. Tanabe, T. Kato, R. Suzuki, and S. Fujii, "Kerr comb generation in a whispering gallery mode microcavity: The effect of mode coupling," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2016), 2P_13-1, Shanghai, August 8-11 (2016). (invited) 3,731 kB
  6. T. Kato, T. Kobatake, A. J.-Chen, A. Hori, and T. Tanabe, "The Effect of Raman Scattering in Kerr Comb Generation in a Silica Toroidal Microcavity," Progress In Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS2016), 2P_13, Shanghai, August 8-11 (2016). 1,697 kB
  7. T. Tanabe, T. Tetsumoto, H. Itobe, R. Suzuki, and T. Kato, "Optical nonlinear control at a very low power in ultrahigh‐Q microcavity systems," 2016 International Conference on Optical MEMS and Nanophotonics (IEEE OMN 2016), We2.3, Singapore, July 31-August 4 (2016). (invited) 9,400 kB
  8. T. Tetsumoto, Y. Ooka, and T. Tanabe, "Observation of isolated mode and formation of coupled cavity in fiber coupled PhC cavity platform," The 12th International Symposium on Photonic and Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS-XII), A28, University of York, July 17-21 (2016). 452 kB
  9. H. Itobe, T. Kobatake, Y. Nakagawa, T. Kato, Y. Mizumoto, H. Kangawa, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Soliton pulse formation in a calcium fluoride whispering gallery microcavity without frequency sweeping," CLEO:2016, SW1E.2, San Jose, June 5-10 (2016). 1,297 kB
  10. T. Kato, T. Kobatake, R. Suzuki, and T.Tanabe, "Analysis of effect of interaction between transverse modes on Kerr frequency comb generation," CLEO:2016, JTu5A.48, San Jose, June 5-10 (2016). 772 kB
  11. T. Kato, A. C. Jinnai, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Broadband visible comb generation via third harmonic generation assisted by stimulated Raman scattering," CLEO:2016, STu4Q.2, San Jose, June 5-10 (2016). 1,405 kB
  12. R. Suzuki, T. Kato, A. C. Jinnai, T. Nagano, T. Kobatake, and T. Tanabe, "Kerr comb generation with suppressed cavity-optomechanical oscillation in toroid microcavity," CLEO:2016, STu3Q.7, San Jose, June 5-10 (2016). 1,735 kB
  13. S. Fujii, Y. Okabe, W. Yoshiki, T. Kato, A. C. Jinnai, T. Kobatake, and T. Tanabe, "The effect on Kerr comb generation in mode coupled WGM microcavity," CLEO:2016, STu3Q.1, San Jose, June 5-10 (2016). 1,664 kB
  14. R. Suzuki, T. Kato, A. Chen-Jinnai, T. Kobatake, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Effects with Kerr comb in silica toroid microcavity: Raman scattering and third harmonic generation," The 5th Advances Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16), ALPS1-3, Yokohama, May 17-20 (2016). 1,323 kB
  15. N. A. B. Daud, Y. Ooka, and T. Tanabe, "p-i-n integrated photonic crystal nanocavity optical functional device," The 5th Advances Lasers and Photon Sources Conference (ALPS'16), ALPSp14-03, Yokohama, May 17-20 (2016). 3,825 kB
  16. R. Suzuki, A. C.-Jinnai, T. Nagano, T. Kobatake, T. Kato and T. Tanabe, "Influence of cavity optomechanics on Kerr frequency combs," APS March Meeting, A51.00008, Baltimore, March 14 (2016). 6,927 kB
  17. W. Yoshiki , A. C.-Jinnai, T. Tetsumoto, S. Fujii, and T. Tanabe, "Time-domain observation of strong coupling between counter-propagating ultra-high Q whispering gallery modes," SPIE Photonics West, 9727-63, San Francisco, February 13-18 (2016). [Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9727, 97271T (2016).] 1,134 kB
  18. T. Tetsumoto, Y. Ooka, and T. Tanabe, "Fiber-coupled photonic crystal nanocavity for reconfigurable formation of coupled cavity system," SPIE Photonics West, 9756-54, San Francisco, February 13-18 (2016). [Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9756, 97561J (2016).] 2,121 kB
  19. T. Tanabe, T. Kato, T. Kobatake, R. Suzuki, and A. C.-Jinnai "Harmonic mode locking in a high-Q whispering gallery mode microcavity," SPIE Photonics West, 9727-11, San Francisco, February 13-18 (2016). (Invited) [Proc. SPIE, Vol. 9727, 97270C (2016).] 3,989 kB
  20. 岡村 拓,小林 美紗子,田邉 孝純,「シリカトロイド微小共振器を用いたタンパク 質センシング」,Optics & Photonics Japan (OPJ), 31pD7,筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,2016年10月31日~11月2日.
  21. 田邉孝純,「シリコンファウンダリを活用した高Q値フォトニック結晶共振器の作製と応用」第4回集積光デバイスと応用技術研究会,NTT厚木研究開発センタ,2016年8月5日.(招待講演)
  22. 鐵本智大,熊崎基,古澤健太郎,関根徳彦,笠松章史,田邉孝純,「低屈折率なシリカを用いた高Q値zipper共振器の作製」第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,20p-P4-6,東工大大岡山キャンパス,2016年3月19日~22日.
  23. 大岡勇太,ヌル アシキン ダウド,鐵本智大,田邉孝純,「フォトニック結晶におけるランダム性の影響とその制御による利用」第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,22a-S621-6,東工大大岡山キャンパス,2016年3月19日~22日.
  24. 藤井瞬,加藤拓巳,吉岐航,陣内哲倫,小畠知也,岡部悠介,田邉孝純,「WGM微小共振器におけるCW-CCW結合の光カーコム発生への影響」第63回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,20p-P3-6,東工大大岡山キャンパス,2016年3月19日~22日.
  25. 加藤拓巳,陣内哲倫,小畠知也,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器におけるカスケードラマン散乱による広帯域マイクロコム」レーザー学会学術講演会第36回年次大会,11aⅦ-6,名城大学天白キャンパス,2016年1月9日~11日.
  26. 鐵本智大,大岡勇太,田邉孝純,「ナノファイバ結合型高Q値フォトニック結晶共振器を用いた再構成可能な結合共振器形成」レーザー学会学術講演会第36回年次大会,10pⅥ-5,名城大学天白キャンパス,2016年1月9日~11日.
  1. T. Tanabe, "Nonlinear control in optical microcavity systems: Switching and Kerr comb generation in a WGM cavity," The 4th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications (WOMA2015), Sapporo, December 1-4 (2015). (invited)
  2. Z. Chen, T. Kato, and T. Tanabe, "Analysis and experiment of broadband visible Kerr comb generation in a silica toroid microcavity," The 4th International Workshop on Microcavities and Their Applications (WOMA2015), P22, Sapporo, December 1-4 (2015)
  3. Y. Ooka, N. A. Daud, T. Tetsumoto, and T. Tanabe, " Efficient electro-optic modulation of a weakly localized resonance in a photonic crystal waveguide," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), FTu5C.6, San Jose, October 18-22 (2015). view PDF
  4. M. Kobayashi, J. Nishimura, and T. Tanabe, "pH sensing using a silica toroid microcavity," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), JTu4A.44, San Jose, October 18-22 (2015). view PDF
  5. T. Kobatake, T. Kato, H. Itobe, and T. Tanabe, "Temporal cavity soliton generation without laser scan in a crystalline microcavity with negative TO coefficient," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), JTu4A.45, San Jose, October 18-22 (2015). view PDF
  6. Y. Nakagawa, T. Kato, W. Yoshiki, Y. Mizumoto, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Dispersion tailoring of a crystalline whispering gallery mode microcavity for octave-spanning Kerr frequency comb," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), San Jose, JW2A.32, October 18-22 (2015). view PDF
  7. S. Tamaki, W. Yoshiki, and T. Tanabe, "Characterization and fabrication of silica-gold composite toroidal optical microcavity," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), San Jose, JW2A.11, October 18-22 (2015). view PDF
  8. T. Kato, T. Kobatake, Z. Chen, R. Suzuki, and T. Tanabe, "Influence of Raman scattering on Kerr frequency comb in a silica toroidal microcavity," Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), FTu2E.4, San Jose, October 18-22 (2015). view PDF
  9. T. Tanabe, "Optical Kerr switching and comb generation in a silica whispering gallery mode microcavity," Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2015), 3A_14-6, Prague, 6-9 July (2015). (invited) view PDF
  10. Z. Chen, T. Nagano, Y. Okabe, T. Kobatake, and T. Tanabe, "Waveform measurement of ultra-high repetition mode-locked pulses generated from a silica toroid microcavity," Progress in Electromagnetics Research Symposium (PIERS 2015), 3A0-15, Prague, 6-9 July (2015). view PDF
  11. H. Itobe, Y. Nakagawa, A. Azami, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Fabrication of crystalline WGM microcavity using ultra-precision machining to reveal the size dependence of thermo-opto-mechanical oscillation," Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe EQEC 2015), CK-9.9 TUE, Munich, June 21-25 (2015). view PDF
  12. T. Tetsumoto, Y. Ooka, A. Fushimi, and T. Tanabe, "Nanocavity formation with a Q of a half-million using photonic crystal waveguide and nanofiber," Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe EQEC 2015), CK-9.4 TUE, Munich, June 21-25 (2015). view PDF
  13. Y. Ooka, T. Tetsumoto, A. Fushimi, W. Yoshiki, and T. Tanabe, "A photolithographic high-Q photonic crystal nanocavity fabricated on a silicon-on-insulator structure," Conference on Laser and Electro-Optics - European Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/Europe EQEC 2015), CK-9.2 TUE, Munich, June 21-25 (2015). view PDF
  14. W. Yoshiki and T. Tanabe, "Low-power on-chip all-optical Kerr switch with silica microcavity," CLEO:2015, STu1I.4, San Jose, May 10-15 (2015). view PDF
  15. T. Kobatake, T. Kato, and T. Tanabe, "Influence of Raman scattering on a Kerr frequency comb generated in a silica toroidal microcavity," The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Source (ALPS'15), ALPSp14-49, Yokohama, April 22-24 (2015).
  16. Y. Okabe, R. Suzuki, Z. Chen, T. Nagano, T. Kobatake, and T. Tanabe, "Time-domain measurement and noise analysis of a Kerr comb from a toroid microcavity," The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Source (ALPS'15), ALPSp14-48, Yokohama, April 22-24 (2015).
  17. Y. Nakagawa, T. Kato, and T. Tanabe, "Generation of octave-spanning optical Kerr frequency comb in a dispersion-managed whispering gallery mode microcavity," The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Source (ALPS'15), ALPSp14-06, Yokohama, April 22-24 (2015).
  18. H. Itobe, Y. Nakagawa, S. Azami, Y. Kakinuma, and T. Tanabe, "Size dependence of thermo-opto-mechanical oscillation observed in crystalline whispering gallery mode microcavity fabricated with ultra-precision machining," The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Source (ALPS'15), ALPSp14-03, Yokohama, April 22-24 (2015). (best student poster award)
  19. Y. Ooka, T. Tetsumoto, A. Fushimi, W. Yoshiki, and T. Tanabe, "Carrier-induced fast all-optical switching in a photonic crystal nanocavity fabricated with a CMOS compatible process," The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Source (ALPS'15), ALPSp14-02, Yokohama, April 22-24 (2015). (best student poster award)
  20. S. Tamaki, W. Yoshiki, and T. Tanabe, "Large thermo-optic effects in silica-gold composite toroidal microcavity," The 4th Advanced Lasers and Photon Source (ALPS'15), ALPS5-5, Yokohama, April 22-24 (2015).
  21. R. Saito, M. Terakawa, and T. Tanabe, "Optical spectrum measurement of a cell-adhered microcavity for the cell-cycle analysis applications," APS March Meeting 2015, H1.00045, San Antonio, March 2-6 (2015).view PDF
  22. 小畠知也,加藤拓巳,中川陽介,糸部大貴,田邉孝純,「負の熱光学効果を利用した共振器ソリトンの自動生御」第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,14p-PA3-2,名古屋国際会議場,2015年9月13日~16日.
  23. 陳哲倫,加藤拓巳,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド微小共振器の三次高調波による可視光領域のコム発生」第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,14p-PA3-1,名古屋国際会議場,2015年9月13日~16日.
  24. 中川陽介,加藤拓巳,吉岐航,水本由達,寒川大,柿沼康弘,田邉孝純,「微小光共振器における光Kerr コムの広帯域化に向けた構造分散の制御」第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,14a-2G-10,名古屋国際会議場,2015年9月13日~16日.
  25. 加藤拓巳,小畠知也,陳哲倫,長野拓真,田邉 孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器の光カーコム発生におけるラマン散乱の影響」第76回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,13p-2G-15,名古屋国際会議場,2015年9月13日~16日.
  26. 田邉孝純,「ウィスパリングギャラリーモード共振器を用いた光カーコム発生」第1回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会(UFO),16:30-17:00,2015年7月22日.(招待講演)
  27. 岡部悠介,鈴木良,陳哲倫,長野拓真,小畠知也,田邉孝純,「トロイド共振器において発生した光カーコムの時間波形測定及び雑音評価」 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,12p-A15-5,東海大学湘南キャンパス,2015年3月11日~14日.
  28. 糸部大貴,中川陽介,莇駿也,柿沼康弘,田邉 孝純,「超精密切削加工による結晶材料WGM共振器の作製および熱光学機械振動の共振器サイズ依存性についての検討」 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,13a-A10-4,東海大学湘南キャンパス,2015年3月11日~14日.
  29. 鐵本智大大岡勇太伏見亮大田邉 孝純,「ナノファイバを用いたフォトニック結晶導波路上での高Q値共振器形成」 第62回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,13a-A10-5,東海大学湘南キャンパス,2015年3月11日~14日.
  30. 陳哲倫,鈴木良,長野拓真,小畠知也,田邉孝純,「トロイド共振器における光カーコムの発生と高繰り返しパルスの時間波形測定」 レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス研究会(LQE),大阪大学,LQE20145-47,2015年1月29日~30日.
  31. 西村治郎,小林美紗子,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器及びテーパファバの固定化によるセンシング応用に関する検討」 レーザー学会学術講演会第35回年次大会,12aX-4,東海大学高輪校舎,2015年1月11日~12日.
  32. 吉岐航,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器による超低パワーオンチップ光カースイッチ」 レーザー学会学術講演会第35回年次大会,12aX-2,東海大学高輪校舎,2015年1月11日~12日.
  33. 陳哲倫,鈴木 良,長野拓真,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器における光カーコム発生と高繰り返しパルス発生」 レーザー学会学術講演会第35回年次大会,11px-2,東海大学高輪校舎,2015年1月11日~12日.
  34. 大岡勇太,鐵本智大,伏見亮大,吉岐航,田邉孝純,「CMOSプロセスでSOI上に作製した高Q値シリコンフォトニック結晶共振器」 レーザー学会学術講演会第35回年次大会,11aX-3,東海大学高輪校舎,2015年1月11日~12日.
  35. 伏見亮大,谷山秀昭,倉持栄一,納富雅也,田邉孝純「2次元フォトニック結晶共振器の高速なQ値算出」 レーザー学会学術講演会第35回年次大会,11aX-2,東海大学高輪校舎,2015年1月11日~12日.
  36. 小畠知也, 加藤拓巳, 田邉孝純,「光カーコム発生における熱光学効果の影響」 レーザー学会学術講演会第35回年次大会,12pIII-12,東海大学高輪校舎,2015年1月11日~12日.
  1. Z. Chen, W. Yoshiki, and T. Tanabe, "Broad-bandwidth pulse transmission through an ultrahigh-Q nanocavity with a chirped pulse," 2014 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science Conference (FiO/LS), FTu5D.6, Tucson, October 19-23 (2014).view PDF
  2. T. Tetsumoto and T. Tanabe, "High-Q silica zipper cavity with strong opto-mechanical coupling for optical radiation pressure driven directional switching," IEEE Photonics Conference 2014 (IPC2014), San Diego, October 12-16 (2014).view PDF
  3. A. Fushimi, H. Taniyama, E. Kuramochi, M. Notomi, and T. Tanabe, "Fast and accurate calculation of Q factor of 2D photonic crystal cavity," CLEO:2014, JTh2A.49, San Jose, June 6-13 (2014). view PDF
  4. A. Fushimi and T. Tanabe, "Robustness of scalable all-optical logic gates," JTu4A.93, CLEO:2014, SM1M.7, San Jose, June 6-13 (2014).→view presentation slides ( PDF )
  5. T. Kato, R. Suzuki, T. Kobatake, and T. Tanabe, "Analysis and experiments on harmonic mode locking in an optical microcavity," CLEO:2014, SM1M.7, San Jose, June 6-13 (2014).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  6. R. Suzuki, T. Kato, T. Kobatake, and T. Tanabe, "RF noise measurement of a microcavity Kerr comb generated by dual pumping," The 3rd Advances Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'14), ALPS3-5, Yokohama, April 22-25 (2014).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  7. T. Tetsumoto and T. Tanabe, "Optomechanical waveguide system for switching telecom light," APS March Meeting 2014, H1.00113, Denver, March 3-7 (2014).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  8. 西村治郎,小林美沙子,田邉孝純,「シリカ微小光共振器とテーパファイバの流路内固定化による光流体工学応用に関する検討」Optics & Photonics Japan 2014会,5aB8,筑波大学東京キャンパス文京校舎,2014年11月5日~7日.
  9. 加藤拓巳,小畠知也,鈴木良,田邉孝純,「微小光共振器における光カーコムの高調波モード同期制御」第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,20a-C2-6,北海道大学札幌キャンパス,2014年9月17日~20日.
  10. 吉岐航,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器における光Kerr効果を用いた全光スイッチ」第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,19a-C7-11,北海道大学札幌キャンパス,2014年9月17日~20日.
  11. 大岡勇太,伏見亮大,吉岐航,鐵本智大,田邉孝純,「フォトリソグラフィで作製したSiO2クラッド付き高Q値フォトニック結晶共振器」第75回応用物理学会秋季学術講演会,17p-C8-3,北海道大学札幌キャンパス,2014年9月17日~20日.
  12. 小畠知也,鈴木良,加藤拓巳,田邉孝純,「微小光共振器における光カーコム発生安定化のためのフィードバック制御の検討」レーザ・量子エレクトロニクス研究会(LQE),LQE2014-8,2014年5月22日.[信学技法, vol. 114, no. 46, LQE2014-8, pp. 33-36, (2014).]
  13. 鈴木良,小畠知也,加藤拓巳,田邉孝純,「シリカトロイド共振器を用いたパラメトリック発振のRFノイズ評価」第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,17p-F7-12,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス,2014年3月17日~20日.
  14. 陳哲倫,吉岐航,田邉孝純,「チャープパルスを用いた狭線幅共振器への広帯域パルス伝送」第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,17p-E16-15,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス,2014年3月17日~20日.
  15. 鐵本智大,田邉孝純,「シリカzipper型共振器を用いた光駆動MEMSスイッチの検討」第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,17p-E16-4,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス,2014年3月17日~20日
  16. 伏見亮大,谷山秀昭,倉持栄一,納富雅也,田邉孝純,「放射損失計算による2次元フォトニック結晶共振器の高速なQ値算出」第61回応用物理学会春季学術講演会,17a-PA1-4,青山学院大学相模原キャンパス,2014年3月17日~20日.
  17. 小川陽平,田邉孝純,「光ファイバへの結合を最適化したファイバファブリペロー共振器の設計」第14回レーザー学会東京支部研究会,東海大学高輪キャンパス,2014年3月5日.
  18. 伏見亮大,谷山秀昭,倉持栄一,納富雅也,田邉孝純,「2次元フォトニック結晶共振器のモード分布を用いた理論Q値の算出」 電子情報通信学会LQE研究会,LQE2013-181,同志社大学(烏丸キャンパス) ,2014年1月23日~24日.(信学技報, vol. 113, no. 395, LQE2013-181, pp. 299-302, 2014年1月.)
  19. 中川陽介,工藤寛史,田邉孝純,「結晶材料によるWGM共振器の高Q値化を目的とした形状制御と表面プロセス」 レーザー学会創立40周年記念学術講演会 第34回年次大会,22pVII-4,北九州国際会議場,2014年1月20日~22日.
  20. 加藤拓巳,鈴木 良,小畠知也,田邉孝純,「微小光共振器光カーコム-超高繰り返し光パルス列の繰り返し周波数の能動制御」 レーザー学会創立40周年記念学術講演会 第34回年次大会,21aVII-2,北九州国際会議場,2014年1月20日~22日.
  21. 田邉孝純,角倉久史,倉持栄一,谷山秀昭,納富雅也,「p-i-n 接合フォトニック結晶微小光共振器による全シリコンフォトディテクタ」 レーザー学会創立40周年記念学術講演会 第34回年次大会,20pI-5,北九州国際会議場,2014年1月20日~22日. (レーザー学会賞受賞記念講演)
  1. A. Fushimi and T. Tanabe, "Investigating the robustness of all-optical NAND gates composed by microring cavities," The 3rd International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC2013), E-5, Tokyo, November 18-10 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  2. A. Fushimi and T. Tanabe, "Exploring high-Q/V mode using optimization algorithm," 2013 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXIX meeting (FiO/LS), FW4E.6, Orland, October 6-10 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  3. W. Yoshiki and T. Tanabe, "Revealing conditions required for achieving Kerr bistable memory based on whispering gallery mode cavity," 2013 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXIX meeting (FiO/LS), FTu3A.5, Orland, October 6-10 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  4. T. Kato, R. Suzuki, and T. Tanabe, "Analysis of Various Whispering Gallery Modes in an Octagonal Silica Toroidal Microcavity," The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR & OECC/PS), TuPM-12, Kyoto, June 30-July 4 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  5. H. Kudo, R. Suzuki, T. Kato, A. Yokoo and T. Tanabe, "Analysis and experimental measurement of the Q factor of hexagonal microcavities fabricated with crystal growth," The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim (CLEO-PR & OECC/PS), WI1-4, Kyoto, June 30-July 4 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  6. R. Suzuki, T. Kato and T. Tanabe, "Octagonal toroid microcavity for mechanically robust coupling with optical fiber", The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO), JTu4A.44, San Jose, June 9-14 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF)
  7. H. Kudo, R. Suzuki, A. Yokoo and T. Tanabe, "High-Q sapphire WGM cavities fabricated by crystal growth," The Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO),CF2I.7, San Jose, June 9-14 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  8. J. Nishimura and T. Tanabe, “Study on Detection of contamination of pure water using silica microsphere,” The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO®/Europe-IQEC), CH-3.3, Muenchen, May 12-16 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  9. W. Yoshiki, K. Ishikawa, and T. Tanabe, “Demonstration of wavelength tuning of silica toroid microcavity via additional laser reflow,” The European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and the International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO®/Europe-IQEC), CK-P.7, Muenchen, May 12-16 (2013).  →view presentation slides ( PDF )
  10. 伏見亮大,田邉孝純「入力と出力信号の波長が同一な全光論理ゲート 」日本光学会年次学術講演会 (OPJ2014),G029 14pP6,奈良県新公会堂,2013年11月12日~14日.
  11. 西村治郎,田邉孝純「WGM微小共振器を用いた水中イオン含有率評価 」第74回応用物理学秋季学術講演会,17p-C13-11,同志社大学田辺キャンパス,2013年9月16日~20日.
  12. 伏見亮大,田邉孝純「最適化アルゴリズムによる高Q/Vモード分布の探索」第60回応用物理学関係連合講演会,29p-PA7-16,神奈川工科大学,2013年3月27日~30日.
  13. 吉岐航,田邉孝純「Add-drop型WGM共振器における光Kerr双安定メモリの解析」第60回応用物理学関係連合講演会,29a-C1-8,神奈川工科大学,2013年3月27日~30日.
  14. 鈴木良,加藤拓巳,田邉孝純 「8角形トロイド微小光共振器の光学特性評価」第60回応用物理学関係連合講演会,28p-A2-4,神奈川工科大学,2013年3月27日~30日.
  15. 工藤寛史,鈴木良,横尾篤,田邉孝純「結晶成長を用いたサファイアWGM共振器の断面形状制御」第60回応用物理学関係連合講演会,28p-A2-3,神奈川工科大学,2013年3月27日~30日.
  16. 西村治郎,田邉孝純「シリカ微小球共振器を用いた超純水イオン含有率評価の予備的検討」第60回応用物理学関係連合講演会,28a-A2-1,神奈川工科大学,2013年3月27日~30日.
  17. 齊藤龍介,三橋龍樹,工藤寛史,寺川光洋,田邉孝純「細胞のセンシングに向けた高Q値シリカ微小光共振器上での細胞培養の検討」第13回レーザー学会東京支部研究会,P,東海大学 高輪キャンパス,2013年3月13日.
  18. 工藤寛史,水本由達,莇駿也,柿沼康弘,田邉孝純「CaF2を用いたWGM微小光共振器の光学測定とQ 値の検討 」第13回レーザー学会東京支部研究会,P1,東海大学 高輪キャンパス,2013年3月13日.
  1. W. Yoshiki and T. Tanabe, "Analysis of four-port system for bistable memory in silica toroid microcavity," 2nd International Symposium on Photonics and Electronics Convergence (ISPEC 2012), C-4, Tokyo, December 3-5 (2012).  →view presentation slides (PDF | 951kB)
  2. H. Kudo, Y. Ogawa, T. Tanabe, and A. Yokoo, "Crystalline whispering gallery mode cavities directly fabricated by crystal growth," 2012 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXVIII meeting (FiO/LS), FTh1G.6, Rochester, October 14-18 (2012).  →view presentation slides ( PDF | 2,791kB)
  3. T. Kato, W. Yoshiki, Y. Ogawa, and T. Tanabe, " Polygonal silica toroidal microcavity for easy and stable coupling with waveguides," 2012 Frontiers in Optics/Laser Science XXVIII meeting (FiO/LS), FTu4A.5, Rochester, October 14-18 (2012).  →view presentation slides ( PDF | 1,148kB)
  4. H. Kudo, Y. Ogawa, T. Tanabe, and A. Yokoo, “Fabrication of whispering gallery mode cavities using crystal,” Fifth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications (ICOOPMA12), 1253, Nara, June 3-7 (2012).  →view presentation slides ( PDF | 2,465kB) poster award
  5. W. Yoshiki and T. Tanabe, “Rigorous analysis of bistable memory in silica toroid microcavity,” Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO2012), CM2M.8, San Jose, May 6-11 (2012).  →view presentation slides ( PDF | 514kB)
  6. T. Tanabe, “Optical nonlinear control at a low power using optical microcavity,” RIKEN Symposium on Extreme Photonics Research, Extreme Photonics Seminar, RIKEN Saitama, Dec. 20 (2012) (招待講演)
  7. 田邉孝純,「pin集積フォトニック結晶微小光共振器による全シリコン超低ノイズ光レシーバ」第5回超高速光エレクトロニクス研究会,箱根強羅,2012年12月7日~8日.(招待講演)
  8. 鈴木良,加藤拓巳,田邉孝純,「8角形トロイド微小光共振器の作製と光学特性評価」Optics & Photonics Japan 2012 (OPJ2012),24pPD2,タワーホール船堀,2012年10月23日~25日. ポストデッドライ
  9. T. Tanabe, “Optical Nonlinearities and Their Applications at Ultralow Power using Optical Microcavities,” Optics & Photonics Japan 2012 (OPJ2012), 24aBS4, タワーホール船堀,Oct. 23-25 (2012). (招待講演)
  10. 工藤寛史,小川陽平,加藤拓巳,田邉孝純,横尾篤「結晶成長を用いた六角形サファイア共振器の作製」第73回応用物理学会学術講演会,13p-PA9-7,愛媛大学,2012年9月11日~14日.
  11. 工藤寛史,小川陽平,田邉孝純,横尾篤「結晶成長を利用したウィスパリングギャラリーモード共振器作製の検討」第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会,17p-GP1-9,早稲田大学,2012年3月15日~18日.
  12. 吉岐航,田邉孝純「シリカトロイド微小光共振器におけるKerr双安定メモリの解析」第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会,17p-F4-16,早稲田大学,2012年3月15日~18日.
  13. 加藤拓巳,吉岐航,小川陽平,田邉孝純「角形シリカトロイド微小光共振器の作製と性能評価」第59回応用物理学関係連合講演会,17p-F4-17,早稲田大学,2012年3月15日~18日.
  14. 田邉孝純「マイクロ光回路によるセンシング応用研究の現状と提案」レーザー学会学術講演会第32回年次大会シンポジウム講演,31aVI-6,TKP仙台カンファレンスセンター,2012年1月30日~2月1日.
  1. A. Yokoo, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, and M. Notomi, "Ultrahigh-Q nanocavities fabricated by scanning probe microscope lithography on pre-patterned photonic crystals," IEEE Photonics Conference (PHO 2011), 324-325, Arlington, VA, Oct 9-13 (2011).
  2. K. Nozaki, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, S. Matsuo, T. Sato, Y. Kawaguchi, H. Taniyama, and M. Notomi, "Photonic crystal nanocavities toward low-power on-chip nanophotonic devices," IQEC/CLEO Pacific Rim, 4630-IT-5, Sydney, August (2011). invited
  1. K. Nozaki, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, S. Matsuo, T. Sato, T. Kakitsuka, E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, and M. Notomi, "Extremely low power nanophotonic devices based on photonic crystals," Photonics in Switching, PWE1, Monterey, July (2010). invited
  2. E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, H. Taniyama, K. Kawasaki, and M. Notomi, "Ultrahigh-Q silicon-on-insulator one dimensional mode-gap nanocavity,"In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'10), CWB2, San Jose, May (2010).
  3. K. Nozaki, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, S. Matsuo, T. Sato, H. Taniyama, and M.Notomi, "All-optical switch involving Fano resonance in ultrasmall photonic crystal nanocavities," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'10), CMV5, San Jose, USA, May (2010).
  4. M. Notomi, E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, and H. Taniyama, "Manipulating light with photonic crystal nanocavities and their coupled arrays," SPIE Photonics Europe 2010, Brussels, April (2010). invited
  1. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, and H. Taniyama, "Manipulating slow light by ultrahigh-Q nanocavities and their coupled arrays," OSA Topical Meeting Highlights Symposium, Fronties in Optics (FiO 2009), FWV2, San Jose, October (2009). invited
  2. K. Nozaki, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, S. Matsuo, T. Sato, H. Taniyama and M. Notomi, "All-Optical Switching with Extremely-Small Control Energy in InGaAsP-based Photonic Crystal Nanocavity," The 22nd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society (LEOS 2009), MD3, Belek-Antalya, October 4-8 (2009).
  3. Y.-G. Roh, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, H. Taniyama, E. Kuramochi, S. Matsuo, T. Sato and M. Notomi,"Optomechanical Response of Photonic Crystal with Double-Slab Configuration," The 22nd Annual Meeting of the IEEE Photonics Society (LEOS 2009), TuL3, Belek-Antalya, October 4-8 (2009).
  4. A. Shinya, S. Matsuo, K. Nozaki, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, T. Sato, T. Kakitsuka, and M. Notomi, "All-Optical Memories Based on Photonic Crystal Nanocavities," International Conference on Photonics in Switching (PS2009), ThI3-1, Pisa, September 15-19 (2009). invited
  5. H. Taniyama, E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, Y.-G. Roh, M. Notomi, "High-Q air-Slot photonic Crystal Cavities," The 9th International Conference on Numerical Simulation of Optoelectronic Devices (NUSOD 2009), MA2, Gwangju, September 14-18 (2009). invited
  6. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, "Manipulating Slow Light by Ultrahigh-Q Nanocavities and their Coupled Arrays," Slow and Fast Light 2009, SWA3, Honolulu, July 12-17 (2009). invited
  7. T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, H. Taniyama, and E. Kuramochi, "Recent progress of dynamically tuned photonic crystal nanocavities," 18th International Laser Physics Workshop (LPHYS'2009), 8.6.1, Barcelona, July 13-17 (2009). invited
  8. E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, "Very-Large-Scale Photonic Crystal Coupled Cavity Waveguides with Large Delay Per Pulse Width Ratio," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics and International Quantum Electronics Conference (CLEO/IQEC'09), CThU1, Baltimore, May31-June 5 (2009).
  9. E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, and M. Notomi, "High Q Photonic Crystal Line-Defect Nanocavities in Very Narrow Membrane," Photonic & Electromagnetic Crystal Structures (PECS VIII), 108, Sydney, April 5-9, (2009).
  10. T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, and M. Notomi, "All-optical switches and bistable devices using high-Q photonic crystal nanocavities," SPIE Photonics West 2009, 7219-16, San Jose, Jan 25-29, (2009). invited
  1. K. Yamada, T. Tsuchizawa, T. Watanabe, H. Fukuda, H. Shinojima, H. Nishi, H. Takesue, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, E. Kuramochi, M. Notomi, Y. Tokura, and S. Itabashi, "Application of nonlinear effects in silicon wire waveguides - All optical modulation, wavelength conversion and quantum entanglement -," Proceeding of SPIE, Vol. 7134, pp. 71341R (2008). invited
  2. T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, E. Kuramochi, and M. Notomi, "Nonlinear switching in high-Q photonic crystal nanocavities," Inegrated Photonics and Nanophotonics Research and Applications 2008, IMD1, Boston, July 13-16 (2008). invited
  3. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, and H. Taniyama, "Slow light media based on ultrahigh-Q nanocavities," Slow and Fast Light 2008, SWC1, Boston, July 13-16 (2008). invited
  4. T. Tanabe, H. Taniyama, and M. Notomi, "Role of carrier diffusion and recombination in photonic crystal nanocavity optical switches," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'08), JThA77, San Jose, May 4-9 (2008).
  5. T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, H. Taniyama, and E. Kuramochi, "Dynamic release of short pulse from ultrahigh-Q nanocavities via adiabatic wavelength conversion," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'08), QPDB1, San Jose, May 4-9 (2008). postdeadline
  6. E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, H. Taniyama, A. Shinya, and M. Notomi, "Ultrahigh-Q nanocavities realized by using a very narrow photonic crystal with built-in air slots," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'08), CThCC3, San Jose, May 4-9 (2008).
  7. A. Shinya, S. Matsuo, Yosia, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, T. Sato, T. Kakitsuka, and M. Notomi, "All-optical on-chip memmory based on ultra high Q InGaAsP photonic crystal nanocavity," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'08), CThJ4, San Jose, May 4-9 (2008).
  8. Yosia, A. Shinya, T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, and L. Chao, "Critical slowing down in InGaAsP-InP nonlinear photonic crystal resonator," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'08), CThGG4, San Jose, May 4-9 (2008).
  9. T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, A. Shinya, H. Taniyama, and M. Notomi, "Photonic crystal nanocavities with extremely long photon lifetime and their applications," The 6th Asia Pacific Laser Symposium (APLS2008), 31Fa1, Nagoya, Japan, January 30-February 1 (2008). invited
  1. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, A. Shinya, “Dynamic Control of Light by Photonic-Crystal Nanocavities”, International Symposium on Advanced Nanodevices and Nanotechnology (ISANN 2007), Waikoloa, Hawaii, December 3 (2007). invited
  2. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, A. Shinya, “Dynamic Control of Light by Photonic-Crystal Nanocavities”, The 5th International Conference on Advanced Materials and Devices (ICAMD2007), Jeju, Korea, 2007/12/12. invited
  3. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, A. Shinya, H. Taniyama, “Nonlinear and Adiabatic Control of Light in a Photonic Crystal Chip”, OSA Winter Topicals on Nonlinear Photonics 2007, Sorrento, Italy, 2008/01/16. invited
  4. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, A. Shinya, "Photonic-Crystal Nanocavities: Slow light, All-optical processing, Wavelength conversion, Optical MEMS", Group IV Photonics 2007, Tokyo, Japan, September 20 (2007). invited
  5. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, A. Shinya, "Dynamic Control of Light in High-Q Photonic-Crystal Nanocavities & Their Coupled Structures", OSA Topical Meeting of Nonlinear Optics (NLO2007), Kona, USA, August 1 (2007). invited
  6. M. Notomi, E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, H. Taniyama, "Functional Coupled Nanocavities Based on Photonic Crystals", OECC 2007, Yokohama, Japan, July 11 (2007). invited
  7. E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, H. Taniyama, and M. Notomi, "Manipulating light with a Si photonic crystal resonator-waveguide coupled system," The OSA Topical Conference on Nanophotonics (NANO'07), N137, Hangzhou, China, June 18-21(2007). invited
  8. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, A. Shinya, and H. Taniyama, "All-optical switching and control of ultrahigh-Q photonic-crystal nanocavities," CLEO/Europe-IQEC, CD5-3-WED, Munich, June 17-22 (2007). invited
  9. T. Tawara, H. Kamada, Y.-H. Zhang, T. Tanabe, N. Cade, H. Gotoh, D. Ding, S. Johnson, E. Kuramochi, M. Notomi, and H. Nakano, "Role of re-absorption effect to quality factor in quantum-dot photonic crystal nanocavities", 19th International Conference on Indium Phosphide and Related Materials (IPRM'07), ThB1-6, Matsue, May 14-18 (2007).
  10. T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, E. Kuramochi, A. Shinya, and H. Taniyama, "Photon Trapping, Delaying and Dynamic-Control Using Ultra-Small High-Q Photonic Crystal Cavities," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'07), CFQ1, Baltimore, May 8-10 (2007). invited
  11. T. Tawara, H. Kamada, Y.-H. Zhang, N. Cade, T. Tanabe, H. Gotoh, D. Ding, S. Johnson, E. Kuramochi, M. Notomi, and H. Nakano, "Temperature Insensitive Ultra Low Threshold Lasing in Quantum-Dot Photonic-Crystal Nanocavities," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'07), CWN2, Baltimore May 8-10 (2007).
  12. E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, H. Taniyama, M. Kato, and M. Notomi, "Observation of Heavy Photon State in Ultrahigh-Q Photonic Crystal Coupled Resonator Chain," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'07), QMG2, Baltimore, May 8-10 (2007).
  13. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, H. Taniyama, and A. Shinya, "All-Optical Control of Light in Ultrahigh-Q Photonic Crystal Cavities," Photonic & Electromagnetic Crystal Structures, (PECS VII), Montrey, April 8-10 (2007). invited
  14. E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, T. Taniyama, M. Kato, and M. Notomi, "Low loss long coupled resonator optical waveguides realized using ultrahigh-Q photonic crystal resonators," Photonic & electromagnetic Crystal Structures, (PECS VII), A-84, Montrey, April 8-10 (2007).
  15. M. Notomi, A. Shinya, E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, and H. Taniyama, "Photonic-Crystal-Based Chip-Scale Optical Integration," The Optical Fiber Communication Conference & Exposition and the National Fiber Optic Engineers Conference, (OFC/NFOEC'07), OMI1, Anahaim, March 25-29 (2007). invited
  16. T. Tawara, H. Kamada, Y. -H. Zhang, N. I. Cade, T. Tanabe, H. Gotoh, D. Ding, S. R. Johnson, E. Kuramochi, M. Notomi, and H. Nakano, "GaAs Based InAs Quantum Dot Photonic Crystal Lasers," SPIE Photonics West, 6480-07, San Jose, January 22 (2007).
  17. M. Notomi, H, Taniyama ,E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, "Adiabatic Wavelength Conversion and Optomechanical Energy Conversion in Photonic Crystal Nanocavities," SPIE Photonics West, 6480-46, San Jose, January25 (2007).
  1. K. Yamada, T. Tsuchizawa, T. Watanabe, H. Fukuda, H. Shinojima, T. Tanabe, and S.-I. Itabashi, "All-optical signal processing using nonlinear effects in silicon photonic wire waveguides," The 19th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, (LEOS'06), WU4, Montreal, October 29-November 2, (2006). invited
  2. T. Tanabe, K. Yamada, K. Nishiguchi, E. Kuramochi, A. Shinya, H. Inokawa, S. Kawanishi, and M. Notomi, "Fast all-optical pulse train modulation by silicon photonic crystal nanocavities," The 19th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers and Electro-Optics Society, (LEOS'06), ML3, Montreal, October 29-November 2, (2006).
  3. K. Yamada, H. Fukuda, T. Watanabe, T. Tsuchizawa, H. Shinojima, T. Tanabe, M. Takahashi, and S.-I. Itabashi, "All-optical wavelength conversion using silicon photonic wire waveguide," Third International Conference on Group IV Photonics, (GFP2006), WU4, Ottawa, September 13-15, (2006).
  4. E. Kuramochi, M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, S. Mitsugi, A. Shinya, and H. Taniyama, "Photonic crystal resonant tunneling filter using ultrahigh-Q locally-width-modulated line-defect cavity," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'06), QTuL1, Long Beach, May 21-26, (2006).
  5. T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, A. Shinya, E. Kuramochi, and H. Taniyama, "Time-domain observation of photon trapping in ultra-small high-Q photonic crystal nanocavities," In Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics / Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference and Photonic Applications Systems Technologies 2006 (CLEO/QELS'06), QPDA7, Long Beach, May 21-26, (2006). postdeadline
  6. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, E. Kuramochi, A. Shinya, H. Taniyama, and S. Mitsugi, "Dynamic control of light by photonic-crystal resonator-waveguide-coupled system," Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'06), QWA1, Long Beach, May 21-26, (2006).
  1. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, S. Mitsugi, E. Kuramochi, and M. Morita, "Dynamic nonlinear control of resonator-waveguide coupled system in photonic crystals," The 18th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS 2005), TuD4, Sydney, October 23-27, (2005). invited
  2. A. Shinya, S. Mitsugi, T. Tanabe, and E. Kuramochi, "All-optical digital circuits using coupled resonator-waveguide system in 2D photonic crystal slab," The 18th Annual Meeting of the IEEE Lasers & Electro-Optics Society (LEOS 2005), TuR1, Sydney, October 23-27, (2005). invited
  3. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, S. Mitsugi, E. Kuramochi, and M. Morita, "Dynamic nonlinear control of resonator-waveguide coupled system in photonic crystal," The Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO-PR'05), CWE4-1-INV, Tokyo, July 11-15, (2005). invited
  4. M. Notomi, T. Tanabe, A. Shinya, E. Kuramochi, and S. Mitsugi, "Dynamic nonlinear control of photonic crystal resonator-waveguide coupled system," International Symposium on Photonic Electromagnetic Structures (PECS-VI), Crete, June 21, (2005). invited
  5. T. Tanabe, M. Notomi, A. Shinya, S. Mitsugi, and E. Kuramochi, "Fast on-chip all-optical switches and memories using silicon photonic crystal with extremely low operating energy," Quantum Electronics and Laser Science Conference (CLEO/QELS'05), QPDA5, Baltimore, May 22-27, (2005). postdeadline
  6. A. Shinya, S. Mitsugi, E. Kuramochi, T. Tanabe, G.-H. Kim, G. Kira, S. Kondo, K. Yamada, T. Watanabe, T. Tsuchizawa, and M. Notomi, "Ultrasmall resonant tunneling/dropping devices in 2D photonic crystal slabs," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5729, pp. 72-85 (2005). invited
  1. H. Yazawa, T. Okamoto, T. Tanabe, M. Yamanaka, F. Kannari, R. Itakura, and K. Yamanouchi, "Capability of selective dissociation of polyatomic molecules with pulse-shaped intense laser fields," Frontiers in Optics 2005 the 89th OSA Annual Meeting Laser Science XXI, FWH9, Tuscon, October 10-14 (2004).
  2. H. Yazawa, T. Okamoto, T. Tanabe, M. Yamanaka, F. Kannari, R. Itakura, and K. Yamanouchi, "Controllability in dissociative ionization of organic molecules with pulse-shaped intense laser fields," 14th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, ThD10, Niigata, July 25-30 (2004).
  3. J. Chen, Y. Nabekawa, K. Midorikawa, H. Kawano, H. Mizuno, A. Miyawaki, T. Tanabe, and F. Kannari, "Engineering cost function for optimizing coherent control between processes with different nonlinearities," 14th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, WB3, Niigata, July 25-30, (2004). [Ultrafast Phenomena XIV, Springer Verlag, T. Kobayashi, et al. eds., Chemical Physics, pp. 640-642 (2005)].
  4. J. Koch, T. Tanabe, F. Korte, C. Fallnich, A. Ostendorf, and B. Chichkov, "Towards nanostructuring with femtosecond laser pulses," The 5th International Symposium on Laser Precision Microfabrication (LPM2004), 29-3, Nara, May 11-14, (2004). [J. Koch, T. Tanabe, F. Korte, C. Fallnich, A. Ostendorf, and B. N. Chichkov, "Toward nanostructuring with femtosecond laser pulses," Proceedings of SPIE, Vol. 5662, pp. 743-748, (2004).]
  1. T. Tanabe, T. Okamoto, M. Yamanaka, and F. Kannari, "Precise femtosecond pulse shaping before amplifier for study of molecular dynamics in intense laser field," The 87th OSA Annual Meeting: Frontiers in Optics, ThDD4, Tucson, October 5-9, (2003).
  2. K. Nakamura, T. Yamazaki, M. Tianprateep, T. Tanabe, and F. Kannari, "Fiber delivery of shaped femtosecond pulses in normal dispersion regime for controlling multi-photon excitation of fluorophores," The 87th OSA Annual Meeting: Frontiers in Optics, WLL4, Tucson, October 5-9, (2003).
  3. R. Itakura, K. Yamanouchi, T. Tanabe, T. Okamoto, M. Yamanaka, and F. Kannari, "Reaction dynamics of ethanol in chirped intense laser fields," XXIst International Conference on Photochemistry, WS4, Nara, July 26-31 (2003). invited
  4. R. Itakura, K. Yamanouchi, T. Tanabe, T. Okamoto, and F. Kannari, "Dissociative ionization of ethanol in chirped intense laser fields," XXIII International Conference on Photonic Electronic and Atomic Collisions, Tu039, Stockholm, July 23-29 (2003).
  5. T. Tanabe, T. Okamoto, M. Yamanaka, and F. Kannari, "Accurate pre-shaping before a regenerative chirped amplifier in amplitude and phase for intense femtosecond pulse control," The 10th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology (FST'2003), p. 190, Chiba, July 16-17 (2003).
  6. M. Tianprateep, T. Yamazaki, T. Tanabe, and F. Kannari, "Control of Supercontinuum Generation in Photonic Crystal and Tapered Optical Fibers by Shaped Laser Pulses," The 10th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology (FST'2003), p. 189, Chiba, July 16-17 (2003).
  7. T. Yamazaki, K. Nakamura, T. Tanabe, and F. Kannari, "Fiber delivery of intense femtosecond pulse in normal dispersion regime," The 10th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology (FST'2003), p. 188, Chiba, July 16-17 (2003).
  8. T. Okamoto, M. Yamanaka, T. Tanabe, F. Kannari, R. Itakura, and K. Yamanouchi, "Dissociative Ionization of Ethanol by Intense Femtosecond Pulses Shaped in Amplitude and Phase," The 10th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology (FST'2003), p. 176, Chiba, July 16-17 (2003).
  9. T. Tanabe, M. Yamanaka, T. Okamoto, F. Kannari, R. Itakura, K. Yamanouchi, "Fragmentation in dissociative ionization of ethanol molecules with shaped intense ultrafast laser pulses," European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe'03), ED1-5-THU, Munich, June 23-27 (2003).
  10. T. Tanabe, T. Okamoto, M. Yamanaka, and F. Kannari, "Accurate pulse shaping with feedback control in amplitude and phase for amplified femtosecond pulses," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'03), CFI2, Baltimore, June 1-6 (2003).
  11. T. Tanabe, T. Okamoto, M. Yamanaka, F. Kannari, R. Itakura, and K. Yamanouchi, "Dissociative ionization of ethanol by intense shaped laser fields," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO'03), CThM6, Baltimore, June 1-6 (2003).
  1. T. Yamazaki, T. Tanabe, M. Tienprateep, K. Ohno, and F. Kannari, "Pre shaped ultrashort optical pulse propagation through single mode fiber," OSA Annual Meeting, TuL62, Orlando, September 29-October 3 (2002).
  2. T. Tanabe, K. Ohno, T. Okamoto, and F. Kannari, "Highly accurate adaptive pulse shaping before chirped pulse amplifier referring FROG trace and TADPOLE," OSA Annual Meeting, TuL61, Orlando, September 29-October 3 (2002).
  3. T. Tanabe, K. Ohno, and F. Kannari, "Feedback Control Schemes of Amplified Ultrashort Pulse Shapes in both Amplitude and Phase," International Symposium in Control of Molecules in Intense Laser Fields, P-55, Tokyo, September 9-10 (2002).
  4. T. Tanabe, T. Okamoto, F. Kannari, R. Itakura, and K. Yamanouchi, "Dissociative ionization of ethanol by intense chirped laser pulses," International Symposium in Control of Molecules in Intense Laser Fields, P-54, Tokyo, September 9-10 (2002).
  5. T. Tanabe, T. Yamazaki, K. Ohno, and F. Kannari, "Arbitral pre-shaping of amplified ultrashort laser pulse before chirped pulse amplifier or optical fiber," Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/QELS 2002), CWA60, Long Beach, May 19-24 (2002).
  6. K. Ohno, T. Tanabe, and F. Kannari, "Adaptive pulse shaping of amplified femtosecond pulse laser in phase and amplitude by directly referring frequency resolved optical gating traces," The 13th International conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, pp. 202-203, Vancouver, May12-17 (2002). [Ultrafast Phenomena XIII, Springer Verlag, R. D. Miller, et al. eds., Chemical Physics, pp. 232-234 (2002)].
  1. K. Ohno, T. Tanabe, M. Sato, and F. Kannari, "Femtosecond pulse compression and shaping for a regenerative CPA system with an acousto-optic programmable dispersion filter," The 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim'01), vol. II, pp. 188-189 Makuhari, July 15-19 (2001).
  2. K. Otsuka, S. Suzuki, T. Tanabe, Y. Fujii, and F. Kannari, "Femtosecond pump-probe spectral interferometry with high spatial resolution using the solid immersion lens," The 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim'01), vol. II, pp. 174-175 Makuhari, July 15-19 (2001).
  3. T. Tanabe, M. Sato, K. Ohno, and F. Kannari, "Amplified ultrashort laser pulse shaping with feedback control referring PG-FROG traces," The 4th Pacific Rim Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Pacific Rim'01), vol. II, pp. 522-523, Makuhari, July 15-19 (2001).
  4. K. Ohno, T. Tanabe, M. Sato, and F. Kannari, "Flexible femtosecond pulse shaping with an acousto-optic programmable dispersion filter," The 8th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology, (FST2001), p. 112, Tsukuba, June 28-29 (2001).
  5. T. Tanabe, M. Sato, K. Ohno, and F. Kannari, "Feedback controlled pulse shaping referring PG-FROG traces," The 8th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology, (FST2001), p. 115, Tsukuba, June 28-29 (2001).
  1. T. Tanabe, N. Takei, H. Tanabe, Y. Teramura, and F. Kannari, "Measurement of Space and Time Profile of Shaped Ultrafast Optical Pulses using Spatial-Spectral Interference," European Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO/Europe'00), p. 137, Nice, September 10-15 (2000).
  2. T. Tanabe, N. Takei, H. Tanabe, and F. Kannari, "Simultaneous two-dimensional Space and Time Measurement of Ultrashort Optical Pulses based on Spatial-Spectral Interferometry," The 12th International Conference on Ultrafast Phenomena, pp. 128-130, Charleston, July 9-13 (2000). [Ultrafast Phenomena XII, Springer Verlag, T. Elsaesser et al. eds., Chemical Physics, pp. 138-140 (2000).]
  3. T. Tanabe, N. Takei, H. Tanabe, Y. Teramura, and F. Kannari, "Measurement for the Space and Time coupling of a Frequency Domain Pulse Synthesizer," The 7th International Workshop on Femtosecond Technology (FST2000), p. 126, Tsukuba, June 29-30 (2000).
